About the OTBI Performance Real Time Subject Area

This topic lists the business questions that are answered by using the OTBI Performance Real Time subject area.

The OTBI Performance Real Time subject area answers the following business questions:

  • What are the long-running analyses in the past month?
  • What is the OTBI execution time histogram for the past month?
  • Which analyses have the longest response time?
  • Which analyses have a high row count?
  • Which analyses reached the OTBI maximum row limit?
  • What are the common execution errors in the past month?
  • How many analyses and dashboards failed in the past month?
  • What are the most commonly used subject areas?
  • What are the least used subject areas?
  • Which subject areas have slow performance?
  • Which analyses have low usage because of poor performance?
  • How many database SQLs are executed by an analysis?
  • What is the database SQL execution time and row count?