About the OTBI Usage Real Time Subject Area

This topic lists the business questions that are answered by using the OTBI Usage Real Time subject area.

The OTBI Usage Real Time subject area answers the following business questions:

  • How many users run OTBI analyses?
  • Who are the top N OTBI users?
  • How many analyses and dashboards have users run in the past month?
  • What is the weekly analysis usage trend?
  • What are the top N most frequently run OTBI analyses?
  • How many predefined OTBI analyses have been run in the past month?
  • How many custom OTBI analyses have been run in the past month?
  • How many ad-hoc OTBI analyses have been run in the past month?
  • What’s the execution history of a given dashboard in the past month?
  • Which analyses have low usage in the past three months?
  • How many OTBI SOAP web services have been run in the past month?
  • What is the SOAP API data load?