RTF Template Properties

Configure RTF templates by setting the properties described in the table below.

Property Name Description Default

Extract attribute sets

The RTF processor automatically extracts attribute sets within the generated XSL-FO. The extracted sets are placed in an extra FO block, which can be referenced. This improves processing performance and reduces file size. Valid values are:

  • Enable - extract attribute sets for all templates and subtemplates

  • Auto - extract attribute sets for templates, but not subtemplates

  • Disable - do not extract attribute sets


Enable XPath rewriting

When converting an RTF template to XSL-FO, the RTF processor automatically rewrites the XML tag names to represent the full XPath notations. Set this property to "false" to disable this feature.


Characters used for checkbox

The default PDF output font doesn't include a glyph to represent a checkbox. If the template contains a checkbox, use this property to specify a Unicode font for the representation of checkboxes in the PDF output. You must specify the Unicode font number for the "checked" state and the Unicode font number for the "unchecked" state using the following syntax: fontname;<unicode font number for true value's glyph >;<unicode font number for false value's glyph>

The font that you specify must be available for generating the PDF output at runtime.

Example: Go Noto Current Jp;9745;9744

Go Noto Current Jp;9745;9744

Barcode encoder

Select the barcode encoder for generating the barcodes in reports. Oracle recommends that you use the Libre encoder.
