XPT Template Properties

Configure XPT templates by setting the properties described in the table below.

Property Name Description Default

XPT Scalable Mode for Offline Reports

When you set this property to true, the scheduled reports that use the XPT template and include a large amount of data run without memory issues. The first 100,000 rows of data in the report are stored in memory and the remaining rows are stored in the file system.

When you set this property to false, the scheduled reports that use XPT template are processed in-memory. Set this property to false for reports that contain less data.


XPT Scalable Mode for Online Static Output

When you set this property to true, the online reports that use the XPT template and include a large amount of data run without memory issues. The first 100,000 rows of data in the report are stored in memory and the remaining rows are stored in the file system.

When you set this property to false, the online reports that use XPT template are processed in-memory. Set this property to false for reports that contain less data.


Enable Asynchronous Mode for Interactive Output

When you set this property to true, interactive reports that use the XPT template make asynchronous calls to Oracle WebLogic Server.

When you set this property to false, interactive reports that use the XPT template make synchronous calls to Oracle WebLogic Server. Oracle WebLogic Server limits the number of synchronous calls. Any calls that are stuck expire in 600 seconds.
