Add Key Flexfields

You can use key flexfield references to replace the clauses appearing after SELECT, FROM, WHERE, ORDER BY, or HAVING.

Use a flexfield reference when you want the parameter to replace multiple values at runtime. The data model editor supports the following flexfield types:

  • Where - This type of lexical is used in the WHERE section of the statement. Use it to modify the WHERE clause such that the SELECT statement can filter based on key flexfield segment data.

  • Order by - This type of lexical is used in the ORDER BY section of the statement. Use it to obtain a list of column expressions so that the resulting output can be sorted by the flex segment values.

  • Select - This type of lexical is used in the SELECT section of the statement. Use it to retrieve and process key flexfield (kff) code combination related data based on the lexical definition.

  • Filter - This type of lexical is used in the WHERE section of the statement. Use it to modify the WHERE clause such that the SELECT statement can filter based on Filter ID passed from Oracle Enterprise Scheduling Service.

  • Segment Metadata - Use it to retrieve flexfield-related metadata. You don't have to write PL/SQL code to retrieve this metadata. Instead, define a dummy SELECT statement, then use this lexical to get the metadata. This lexical should return a constant string.

After you set up the flexfield components of your data model, create a flexfield lexical reference in the SQL query using the following syntax:


for example:

&FLEX_GL_BALANCING alias_gl_balancing

After entering the SQL query, when you click OK

  • Enter the following:
    • Lexical Name - Enter a name for the flexfield component.

    • Flexfield Type - Select Key Flexfield..

    • Lexical Type - Select the type from the list. Your selection here determines the additional fields required. See Enter Flexfield Details.

    • Application Short Name - Enter the short name of the Fusion Applications Suite application that owns this flexfield, for example, GL.

    • Flexfield Code - Enter the flexfield code defined for this flexfield. In Oracle E-Business Suite this code is defined in the Register Key Flexfield form, for example, GL#.

    • ID Flex Number - Enter the name of the source column or parameter that contains the flexfield structure information. For example: 101. To use a parameter, prefix the parameter name with a colon, for example, :PARAM_STRUCT_NUM.

Enter Flexfield Details

The Details region displays appropriate fields depending on the Lexical Type you chose.

Fields for Key Flexfield Type: Segment Metadata

The table describes the detail fields for segmented metadata.

Field Description

Structure Instance Number

Enter the name of the source column or parameter that contains the flexfield structure information. For example: 101. To use a parameter, prefix the parameter name with a colon, for example, :PARAM_STRUCT_NUM.


(Optional) Identifies for which segments this data is requested. Default value is "ALL". See Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide for syntax.

Show Parent Segments

Select this box to automatically display the parent segments of dependent segments even if it's not displayed in the segments attribute.

Metadata Type

Select the type of metadata to return:

Above Prompt of Segments — Above prompt of segment(s).

Left Prompt of Segments — Left prompt of segment(s)

Fields for Key Flexfield Type: Select

The table below shows the detail fields for the Select flexfield type.

Field Description

Enable Multiple Structure Instances

Indicates whether this lexical supports multiple structures. Checking this box indicates all structures are potentially used for data reporting. The data engine uses <code_combination_table_alias>.<set_defining_column_name> to retrieve the structure number.

Code Combination Table Alias

Specify the table alias to prefix to the column names. Use TABLEALIAS if your SELECT joins to other flexfield tables or uses a self-join.

Structure Instance Number

Enter the name of the source column or parameter that contains the flexfield structure information. For example: 101. To use a parameter, prefix the parameter name with a colon, for example, :PARAM_STRUCT_NUM.


(Optional) Identifies for which segments this data is requested. Default value is "ALL". See Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide for syntax.

Show Parent Segments

Select this box to automatically display the parent segments of dependent segments even if it's not displayed in the segments attribute.

Output Type

Select from the following:

  • Value — Segment value as it's displayed to users.

  • Padded Value — Padded segment value as it's displayed to users. Number type values are padded from the left. String type values are padded on the right.

  • Description — Segment value's description up to the description size defined in the segment definition.

  • Full Description — Segment value's description (full size).

  • Security — Returns Y if the current combination is secured against the current user, N otherwise.

Fields for Key Flexfield Type: Where

The table below shows the detail fields for the Where key flexfield type.

Field Description

Code Combination Table Alias

Specify the table alias to prefix to the column names. You use TABLEALIAS if your SELECT joins to other flexfield tables or uses a self-join.

Structure Instance Number

Enter the name of the source column or parameter that contains the flexfield structure information. For example: 101. To use a parameter, prefix the parameter name with a colon, for example, :PARAM_STRUCT_NUM.


(Optional) Identifies for which segments this data is requested. Default value is "ALL". See Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide for syntax.


Select the appropriate operator.


Enter the value to use on the right side of the conditional operator.


(Optional) High value for the BETWEEN operator.

Fields for Key Flexfield Type: Order By

The table below shows the detail fields for the Order by flexfield type.

Field Description

Enable Multiple Structure Instances

Indicates whether this lexical supports multiple structures. Selecting this box indicates all structures are potentially used for data reporting. The data engine uses <code_combination_table_alias>.<set_defining_column_name> to retrieve the structure number.

Structure Instance Number

Enter the name of the source column or parameter that contains the flexfield structure information. For example: 101. To use a parameter, prefix the parameter name with a colon, for example, :PARAM_STRUCT_NUM.

Code Combination Table Alias

Specify the table alias to prefix to the column names. You use TABLEALIAS if your SELECT joins to other flexfield tables or uses a self-join.


(Optional) Identifies for which segments this data is requested. Default value is "ALL". See Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide for syntax.

Show Parent Segments

Select this box to automatically display the parent segments of dependent segments even if it's not displayed in the segments attribute.

Fields for Key Flexfield Type: Filter

The table below shows the detail fields for the Filter flexfield type.

Field Description

Code Combination Table Alias

Specify the table alias to prefix to the column names. You use TABLEALIAS if your SELECT joins to other flexfield tables or uses a self-join.

Structure Instance Number

Enter the name of the source column or parameter that contains the flexfield structure information. For example: 101. To use a parameter, prefix the parameter name with a colon, for example, :PARAM_STRUCT_NUM.