Create a Dataset Using a Web Service

You can use datasets that use simple and complex web service data sources to return valid XML data. Only document or literal web services are supported.

Define your parameters first, so that the methods are available for selection when setting up the data source. The parameters must be set up in the Parameters section of the report definition.

Multiple parameters are supported. Ensure the method name is correct and the order of the parameters matches the order in the method. To call a method in the web service that accepts two parameters, you must map two parameters defined in the report to the two parameters in the method. Note that only parameters of simple type are supported, for example, string and integer.

Web Service Data Source Options

Administrator can set up a web service data as a data source.

Administrator can set up connections to web service data sources and then you can use the data source in multiple data models. You must set up the connection before you create the data model.

Publisher supports datasets that use simple and complex web service data sources to return valid XML data.

Create a Dataset Using a Simple Web Service

If you aren't familiar with the available methods and parameters in the web service to call, you can open the URL in a browser to view them.

To create a dataset by using a simple web service:
  1. Click the New Dataset toolbar button, and then select Web Service.
  2. Enter the dataset name.
  3. Select the data source and the method.
  4. Click OK.
  5. On the Data Model pane, select Parameters, click Create New Parameter, and define the parameters to make them available to the web service dataset.
  6. Edit the web service dataset and add the parameters to the dataset.
  7. Click Save.

Create a Dataset Using a Complex Web Service

You can use complex web service data sources to return valid XML data. A complex web service type internally uses soapRequest /soapEnvelope to pass the parameter values to the destination host.

To create a dataset by using a complex web service:
  1. Click the New Dataset toolbar button, and then select Web Service.
  2. Enter the dataset name, data source, and the method.

    The methods available for selection are based on the complex web service data source. When you select a method, the Parameters are displayed. To view optional parameters, select Show optional parameters.

    If you aren’t familiar with the available methods and parameters in the web service, open the WSDL URL in a browser to view them.

  3. If the start of the XML data for the report is deeply embedded in the response XML generated by the web service request, in the Response Data XPath field, specify the path to the data to use in the report.
  4. Add the parameters required for the web service.
  5. Test the web service.

Additional Information on Web Service Datasets

There's no metadata available from web service datasets, therefore grouping and linking aren't supported.