Create a Dataset Using a XML File

You can use an XML file to create a data source.

Do one of the following:

  • Place the XML file in a directory that your administrator has set up as a data source.

  • Upload the XML file to the data model from a local directory.

To use layout editor and interactive viewer, save sample data from the XML file source to the data model.

About Supported XML Files

Support of XML files as a dataset type in Publisher follows certain guidelines.

  • The XML files that you use as input to the Publisher data engine must be UTF-8 encoded.

  • Do not use the following characters in XML tag names: ~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, +, `, |, :, \", \\, <, >, ?, ,, /. If your data source file contains any of these characters, use the data model editor Structure tab to change the tag names to an acceptable one.

  • Use valid XML files. Oracle provides many utilities and methods for validating XML files.

  • There's no metadata available from XML file datasets, therefore grouping and linking are not supported.