3 Customize Pixel-Perfect Reports

This topic describes how to modify the predefined or original reports to create reports that suit the specific requirements of your enterprise.

About Customizing Reports

You can copy a prebuilt report, the report folder structure, and the permissions to /Shared Folders/Custom folder and edit the report.

Many product-specific prebuilt reports are provided with Fusion Applications Suite; for example, the invoice register, the pick slip report, the payroll summary, the journals report, and the customer credit memo.

To meet the specific needs of your enterprise, you might want to customize these original prebuilt reports. You can’t directly edit the prebuilt report objects. Use the Customize feature to copy a prebuilt report, the report folder structure, and the permissions to the /Shared Folders/Custom folder and edit the report. In the /Shared Folders/Custom folder, you can edit the report to change layout, add a new layout, change report properties and parameters, schedule the report, or change permissions.

The original or the prebuilt report is linked to the custom report in the /Shared Folders/Custom folder. When users open or schedule the original report, they're actually using the custom report in the /Shared Folders/Custom folder. If a patch updates the original report, the corresponding custom report in the /Shared Folders/Custom folder isn't updated and you don't lose your edits.

The Customize option is available only for reports. The Customize option isn't available for data models, style templates, or sub templates.

Don't rename the custom report. A renamed custom report will be treated as a new custom report and isn't map to the original report.


If you use the Customize option to edit a predefined report, when you access the edited report from Fusion Applications Suite, you see the updated output only after the refresh that happens every 24 hours. See Reflect Changes from Edited Reports Sooner.


Ensure that you have proper permissions for editing and creating Publisher objects. To view and perform actions on report objects in the catalog, your role must be granted the appropriate combination of functional permissions to enable the actions and access permissions to the object in the catalog. The functional permissions are granted in the definition of the role; the access permissions are granted in the catalog.

The Customize option is only available through direct access to Publisher using the /xmlpserver URL (for example: http://hostname.com:7001/xmlpserver). The Customize option isn't available through the /analytics URL.


Action performed on the original report Behavior when a custom report is present
Open Opens the custom report.
Schedule Creates a report job for the custom report.
Edit Edits the custom report.
Copy Copies the original report.
Download Downloads the custom report.
Delete You can't delete the original report. Custom report isn't deleted.
Rename You can't rename the original report. The custom report name isn't changed.

Copy and Modify a Prebuilt Report

You can use a prebuilt report to create and edit a custom report.

You can’t directly edit the product-specific prebuilt reports provided with Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite. Use the Customize feature to copy the prebuilt report to the /Shared Folders/Custom folder, and then modify the report in Custom folder as per your requirement.
  1. Access Publisher using the /xmlpserver URL (for example: http://hostname.com:7001/xmlpserver).
  2. Navigate to the Catalog and locate the original prebuilt report you want to modify.
  3. Click More and then click Customize.

    A copy of the report is created in the Custom folder, under the identical folder hierarchy and opens the report copy in the report editor. In this example the report is created under the Shared Folders/Custom/Financials/Payables/Invoices folder.

    Description of customize_report.png follows
    Description of the illustration customize_report.png
  4. Edit the report properties or change the report layout as per your requirement.
  5. Save the report.