View Report Job History and Saved Output

The Report Job History page displays information about running and completed report jobs.

You can access the Report Job History page and then search for the report job history. You can also access this page from the context of a specific report. Use one of the following to select Report Job History.

  • Browse/Manage in the Home page.

  • Open on the global header.

Use the Report Job History page to:

  • View the status and details of running and completed report jobs.

  • Identify the critical jobs.

  • Cancel a running job.

  • Monitor a running job.

  • View job submission details.

  • Download or view the XML data produced from the report, if you selected Save Data for the report.

  • Download or view the report document, if you selected Save Output.

  • Republish the report data using other formats or templates, if you selected Save Data for Republishing for the report.

  • Delete report jobs from history.