View Job History for a Specific Report

If you navigate to the Report Job History page from the context of a specific report, then the jobs for that report are automatically displayed with the default filters applied.

  1. Perform one of the following:
    • From the Catalog, navigate to the report, and click Job History.

    • From the Report Viewer, navigate to the report, and click Job History.

  2. In the Report Job History page, specify the filters if required and click Search.

    Following are the default filters:

    • Report Path - The path to the report from which you launched the Report Jobs History page.

    • Start Processing - Equals to or later than one week ago.

    • Owner - User ID.

    • Scope - All Histories including Private Job Histories and Public Job Histories.

    • Status - The possible values for status:

      • Success - The job completed without error.
      • Failed - The job failed to complete.
      • Running - The job is currently running.
      • Output has error - The job completed with errors.
      • Canceled - The job was cancelled
      • Cancelling - The job is in the process of being cancelled.
      • Delivery has error - The job couldn't deliver the report to the specified destination.
      • Update status has error - The instance Job ID is null or empty because of an issue and the scheduler can't set the job status.
      • Deleted - The job is deleted.
      • Scheduled - The job is scheduled.
      • Skipped - The job was skipped. When there's an event trigger associated with the data model used in the report and if that trigger execution either returns False or throws an exception, the scheduler skips that job and sets the status to Skipped and halts processing.
      • Suspended - The job execution is suspended for some reason.
      • Unknown - The job is in an undefined state that's not matching the other statuses.
      • Waiting - The job is in queue for reasons such as the threads aren't available for JMS Processor. In this case, the scheduler doesn't start processing the job.