Export Content from Analyses and Dashboards

You can export content from analyses and dashboards.

Export the Results of Analyses

You can export analyses results to various formats, including data and formatting in Microsoft Office Excel, Adobe PDF, and CSV formats, and various data-only formats (that is, with no formatting).

For example, you can export a Stock Control analysis, so that one of your suppliers can see the results in Microsoft Excel.

  1. Open the analysis for editing.
  2. To export data and formatting, click Export this analysis then Formatted, and choose an output format.
  3. To export just data, click Export this analysis then Data, and choose an output format.

Export Dashboards and Dashboard Pages

You can export an entire dashboard or a single dashboard page to Microsoft Excel 2007+. When you export dashboard content to Microsoft Excel, the state of the dashboard (such as prompts or drills) won’t change.

For example, you can export the dashboard page that contains the Brand Revenue analysis. This enables brand managers to review this data in Microsoft Excel.

  1. Open the dashboard or dashboard page that you want to export.
  2. On the Dashboard page toolbar, click Page Options, select Export to Excel, and select either Export Current Page or Export Entire Dashboard.

    If you export an entire dashboard:

    • Each page is included on its own sheet in an Excel workbook.

    • Each sheet is given the name of its corresponding dashboard page.

  3. Use the File Download dialog to open or save the dashboard or dashboard page as a spreadsheet file.

Tips for Exporting

Here are some tips on exporting data from analyses, dashboards, and dashboard pages.

  • By default, the Value Suppression option in the Column Properties dialog:Column Format tab determines if the cells in tables or pivot tables that span rows and cells that span columns are repeated when exporting to Excel (rather than always repeated). Don’t suppress values when exporting to Excel if those who use the Excel spreadsheets want to manipulate the data.

    • If Value Suppression is set to Suppress, then cells that span rows and cells that span columns aren’t repeated. For example, in a table that has Year and Month values, Year is displayed only once for Month values. This value suppression is useful if you want to simply view data in Excel spreadsheets.

    • If Value Suppression is set to Repeat, then cells that span rows and cells that span columns are repeated. For example, in a table that has Year and Month values, Year is repeated for all Month values.

  • In PDF format, rows are split across page breaks rather than kept together.

  • Action links aren’t included in exported formats.

  • When exporting to Excel, numbers and dates are exported in raw format with full number precision and format mask, rather than as a string in the data format specified.

  • When exporting analysis results to formatted Excel spreadsheets, you can choose whether to export full precision values or export abbreviated values that display in a performance tile. In the Performance Tile Properties dialog, select the Abbreviate Values option, which determines the level of abbreviation used in the performance tile, that is, thousands, millions, and so on. To export abbreviated values to Excel, select the Abbreviate in formatted Excel option.

  • While you can export directly to an Excel format, you might notice better performance during the export of large numbers of rows if you export first to CSV, and then import that file into Excel.