Find Catalog Objects

You can search for and locate catalog objects.

About Searching for Catalog Objects

You can find objects in the catalog using the search facility.

The catalog contains objects that you or somebody else has defined and saved for future use (such as analyses and dashboards). You can search the catalog to find something that you want to work with or change. For example, you can find the Brand Revenue analysis that you created last week. By doing so, you can change a bar graph to a line graph in that analysis.

You can use the Catalog page to view the objects that are necessary to perform your day-to-day tasks. For example, a sales analyst must access an analysis that monitors the weekly sales of a specific brand of beverage in the Central and Eastern regions. The permissions set by the catalog administrator determine what tasks the analyst can perform on a piece of content and within the catalog.

Catalog Search

The search option enables you to locate an object by searching for its name, description, location, and object type. You can also use the asterisk character (*) in the search string. For example, you might enter *v or F*s to return objects that contain the word Favorites.

When users perform the catalog search, the search locates those objects that have been crawled and indexed, and for which the individual users have the appropriate permissions. Objects such as dashboards and reports with the Don't Index attribute selected aren't indexed. An administrator can change how regular catalog search crawls are configured.

The list of search results includes any objects that match the criteria, for which the user has at least the Open permission. If an object is stored in a folder, then the user must have the Traverse folder and Open object permissions. Objects with the No Access permission aren't available

Be aware of the following information about the search:

  • While you search using keywords, the search results include metadata. For each catalog object, the metadata (such as the name, path, author, modification date, last accessed date, type, and description) is indexed and available as search results.
  • The default search operator is AND. You can specify multiple search terms and the most relevant search hit containing all of the terms is shown.

Search for Catalog Objects

You can use the search functionality to find objects in the catalog.

When you perform a search, newly-created catalog objects are locatable after an index crawl has completed.

  1. In the Home page, click Catalog.
  2. In the Catalog page, click the Search.
  3. In the Search pane, specify the search criteria. Consider the following options:
    • Search: This option enables you to enter search strings, including the asterisk character (*), to display catalog objects that match your search.
    • Exact Match: This option restricts results to exact matches only.
    • Location: This option enables you to select the catalog folder within which you want to perform the search.
    • Sub-Folders: This option recursively searches sub-folders within the selected location, when this option is selected.
    • Type: Select the type of object for which you're searching (for example, Action, Agent, Analysis, KPI, Scorecard, or Filter).
  4. To search for Hidden Items, select the Show Hidden Items box on the Catalog page's header.
  5. Click Search.
    Folders or objects that satisfy the search criteria are displayed in the Catalog area.