Open or Edit Scorecards

The procedure to open or edit scorecards is the same.

Editing a scorecard ensures the information on it is current.

If you need your administrator to make a change to your metadata (for example, rename a dimension or delete a subject area), remove all references to the object within your KPIs and scorecards prior to contacting your administrator.

See Use the Edit and View Modes in the Scorecard Editor.

  1. In the global header, click Catalog to display the Catalog page.
  2. Navigate to the scorecard that you want to open or edit and click one of the following links:
    • Open — The scorecard is displayed in the Scorecard editor in view mode.
    • Edit — The scorecard is displayed in the Scorecard editor in edit mode.
  3. Make the desired changes.
  4. Save the scorecard.