View Overview Information

You can view summary information for initiatives, objectives, or KPIs.

The summary information displayed depends on which object you last selected in the Initiatives pane or the Strategy pane. If you last selected:

  • An initiative or objective, then the basic settings for the initiative or objective are displayed (for example, status, business owner, and so on) along with a status summary showing the number of KPIs and initiatives, or KPIs and objectives, that evaluate progress in each performance assessment range.

    If there is at least one child or descendant objective, initiative, or KPI for a particular status, the status name is a hyperlink that displays the Scorecard editor: Breakdown tab, showing the child or descendant objectives, initiatives, and KPIs.

  • A KPI, then the basic settings for the KPI are displayed (for example, status, business owner, and so on) as well as performance data and a performance graph.

  1. Open or edit the scorecard.

    The Overview tab of the Scorecard editor is displayed. The illustration shows an example of the Overview tab for an objective.

    The Overview tab shows summary information for the root objective, which represents the entity that you are scorecarding, that is, the entire organization or a department.

  2. To show summary information for:
    • A KPI, in the Initiatives pane or in the Strategy pane, click the KPI.

    • An initiative, in the Initiatives pane, click the initiative.

    • An objective, in the Strategy pane, click the objective.