About the Point of View Area

The point of view area of the Scorecard editor displays controls for the dimensions of KPIs that are used in the scorecard to measure the progress and performance of initiatives and objectives.

See What Are Dimensions and Pinned Dimension Values?

Controls are displayed for each KPI dimension that is referenced in a scorecard with the exception of those that you explicitly prevent from being displayed. If the same dimension is referenced in more than one KPI, then a control can be shared by the KPIs. See Set Up the Point of View Controls.

The figure here shows a point of view area that displays the Region Hierarchy, Customer Segments, Offices Hierarchy, Products Hierarchy, and 2010/Q3 dimensions.

Each control includes a label and a down-arrow button that displays a list of the dimension values from which you can select, and a Search link (see Search Members dialog for additional information). The label is either the database name for the dimension (by default), a user-friendly label (if specified for the control), or one or more values (if the dimension is pinned to a specific value or multiple values).

You use this area to temporarily pin or set values for the dimensions. When you pin a dimension, the data in the scorecard is filtered to give you a new point of view (that is, a new view of the data). This enables you to focus on specific data of interest to you, such as the area of business for which you are responsible.

The point of view area settings are temporary and are not persisted when the scorecard is saved. To persist pinnings, you can use the:

  • Dimension Settings tab of the Settings dialog to affect all KPI usages within a scorecard.

  • Dimensionality area in the Analytics pane of the KPI Details tab of the Scorecard editor to pin the values for a particular KPI usage.

  • Add KPI dialog (also displayed as the Edit Watchlist Entry dialog) in the KPI Watchlist editor to pin values for individual KPIs.

  • Dimension Pinnings dialog to pin values in a view that has been added to a dashboard.

  • Dimensionality page of the KPI editor (also displayed as the KPI tab of the Scorecard editor) to pin values in a KPIs definition. This approach is less flexible than when you let a KPI's definition be reusable in different contexts and pin only within views that reference the KPI.

The Scorecard editor also contains the Back and Forward buttons that enable you to move forward or backward through your point of view history to select a previous point of view or the point of view with which you started.

To temporarily pin a dimension:

  1. Click the down-arrow button to the right of the dimension.

  2. To:

    • Select a specific single value, click the value.

    • Select multiples values, click the Search link to display the Search Members dialog, make your selections, and then click the OK button. You can also select multiple values by pressing and holding the Ctrl key, and then clicking the desired values.

    • If the value is a hierarchical column, click the sideways triangle button to expand the levels. Press and hold the Ctrl key, and then click the desired values.

  3. Click the down-arrow or outside the dialog box to close it.

The data is filtered and a new point of view is displayed.