Setting Up Server Scenario Rollups

Scenario rollups can be created and run on the Strategic Modeling server.

Managing Server Scenario Rollups

To manage server scenario rollups:

  1. In Smart View pane, select Strategic Modeling, and then select Scenario Rollups.

  2. Optional: To create scenario rollups, click New.

  3. Optional: To open a structure, select Scenario Rollups from the Smart View panel, right click on the scenario rollup, and then select Open.

  4. Optional: To delete a structure, select Scenario Rollups from the Smart View panel, right click on the scenario rollup, and then select Delete.

  5. Click OK.


You can also create a new scenario rollup based on a model hierarchy. Right-click a model, click Edit Model Structure, click the Model tab, and then click Convert to Model Scenario Rollup. The selected model and its child models are converted to a scenario rollup with the same hierarchical structure.

Creating Server Scenario Rollups

To create a server scenario rollup:

  1. From the Smart View panel, select Scenario Rollups, right click the Scenario Rollups folder, and then select New.

  2. In Structure Name, enter a structure name, and click OK.

    The name must be unique within the server.

Removing Models from Server Scenario Rollups

To remove models from server scenario rollups:

  1. Select a model.

  2. To delete models from Scenario Rollups, right-click the model, and then select Remove Model.