Using Depreciation Schedules

You create depreciation schedules to depreciate capital assets over time in formulas.

To use depreciation schedules:

  1. From the Analysis grouping label, and then select Depreciation Scheduler.

  2. Add a depreciation schedule—see Adding Depreciation Schedules.

  3. Option: To change schedule lengths, in Schedule, select a schedule and click Length—see Setting the Length of Depreciation Schedules.

  4. Delete a depreciation schedule–see Deleting Depreciation Schedule

  5. Optional: To distribute the depreciation percentage across the schedule years, click each year cell and enter a percentage.

    • First column—Year number

    • Percent column—Percentage of depreciation per year. Use digits for percentages, for example, enter 20 for 20%, as opposed to .2. For salvage value reasons, the rates need not equal 100.

  6. Click OK.

Adding Depreciation Schedules

To create depreciation schedules:

  1. On Edit Depreciation Schedule, click Add.

  2. In Name, enter a name.

  3. In Length in Years enter a number of years.

  4. Click OK.

Deleting Depreciation Schedule

To delete depreciation schedule:

  1. From the Analysis grouping label, and then select Depreciation Scheduler.

  2. On Edit Depreciation Schedule, select a Schedule from the drop-down, and then click Delete.

  3. Click OK.

Setting the Length of Depreciation Schedules

To change the length of depreciation schedules:

  1. On Edit Depreciation Schedule in Schedule, select a schedule, and click Length.

  2. In New Length, enter a number of years.

  3. Click OK.