Importing Capital Data

Depending on the features you've enabled, the following templates are available in the Capital zip file:

  • ExistingIntangibleload.csv
  • ExistingLeaseLoad.csv
  • ExistingTangibleLoad.csv
  • PeriodIntangibles.csv
  • PeriodLease.csv
  • PeriodTangibles.csv

The templates are created based on the dimensionality of your application, and include any custom dimensions you added when you enabled features.

Import Capital data using the following templates and guidelines.

Importing Asset Detail Properties

Use these templates to import asset detail properties, such as laptop names, price, and depreciation type:

  • ExistingTangibleLoad.csv

  • ExistingLeaseLoad.csv

  • ExistingIntangibleload.csv

Use these guidelines:

  • ColumnsColumn1 refers to the Asset Class dimension.

  • Rows—Each asset detail must have data for three rows.

    • Row 1 imports data at NoYear, USD, BegBalance. Modify these values to specify the correct year, currency, and so on.

    • Row 2 imports data to FY16, No currency, Begbalance. Modify these values as required.

    • Row 3 imports data to No year, No currency, Begbalance. Modify these values as required.

  • Point of View

    Replace OEP_No Entity in the Point of View with the actual Entity.

Importing Actuals

Use these templates to import actuals for assets:

  • PeriodTangibles.csv

  • PeriodIntangibles.csv

  • PeriodLease.csv

Use these guidelines:

  • Columns— refers to Account members.

  • Rows

    • Rows 5 - 16 (Jan, Dec) refer to one year's calculated actual expense to be imported for FY16. If data for FY15 has to be imported, then you must add a new set of rows for FY.
    • Row 17: NoYear-> Begbalance-USD combination has computed basic cost. For each asset detail there needs to be only one row.
    • Row 18: Data at NoYear->BegBalance->NoCurrency. Import asset detail information such as purchase date, inservice date, description, and justification.
  • Point of View

    • Use actual children of OCX_Total Major Assets for OCX_Total Major Assets.
    • Use actual members of OCX_Tangible Assets for OCX_Tangible Assets.
    • Use actual members of Entity in place of OEP_No Entity.