Importing Projects Data

The Projects templates are based on the dimensionality of your application, and include any custom dimensions you added when you enabled features.

For analysis and reporting, you must import this data:

  • Project Details—Information about existing projects for forecasting.

  • Labor—Two templates are available: with or without integration with Workforce.

    • Labor assumptions for projects to be used in forecasting and analysis.

    • Labor expense and labor hours actuals for reporting and analysis.

  • Equipment—Two templates are available: with or without integration with Capital.

    • Equipment assumptions for projects to be used in forecasting and analysis.

    • Equipment expense actuals for reporting and analysis.

  • Materials

    • Material assumptions for projects to be used in forecasting and analysis.

    • Material expense and material units actuals for reporting and analysis.

  • Other—Additional expense plan, forecast, or actuals for reporting and analysis.

  • Direct Expense—Direct expense plan, forecast, or actuals for reporting and analysis.

  • Revenue

    • Assumptions for projects to be used in forecasting and analysis.

    • Actuals for analysis and reporting purposes.

  • Global Rate Assumptions.

    • Standard rates for projects including labor standard rates, material standard rates, and equipment standard rates.

    • Overhead rates.

  • Project Benefits.
  • Allocate Expenses to Assets—Import allocations to various assets when Capital is enabled.

Importing Project Details

Use Project Details Load Template.csv or Capital Project Details Load Template.csv to import project details and related information. For custom project details, add accounts to the column of the file to import. All details go to the same intersections.

  • Column 1 is the Project dimension.

  • The other columns represent account dimension members. The members listed should align to the member under the OPF_Properties on the Forms member in the account dimension. Project details are imported to No Year, BegBalance members.

  • Project details are imported to the No Project Element and No Resource class members.

  • If the application uses simplified multiple currency, Project Details goes to the No Currency member.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity dimension.

  • OEP_Plan is from Scenario dimension.

  • OEP_Working is from the Entity dimension.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phases dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

Importing Project Labor Assumptions

Use Labor Assumption Load Template.csv to import labor assumptions if you don’t use Workforce. Use OEP_PFP Labor Assumption Template -WFP Integration.csv if you use Workforce. Labor Assumptions import to Beg Balance and No Year.

  • Line 1 represents the Project Element dimension.

  • The columns contain the required account members. These members are in OPF_Labor Assumptions.

    • OPF_Vendor—Sets the Vendor Smart List member for the line item.

    • OPF_Phase—Sets the Phase Smart List member for the line item.

    • OPF_Job—Sets the Job Smart List member for the line item. The Job list is in the Resource Element dimension under Detailed Jobs.

    • WFP/PFP Job—In an application that has Workforce integration, the Job comes from the Workforce dimension and not the Resource Element dimension. This does not impact the format of the file; the only difference is that the Account associated with the Smart List is OPF_Job_WF.

    • Unspecified Employee—Set the Employee Resource Smart List member for the line item. The member can be an employee name that is a member from the Plan Element dimension found under "Existing Employees" hierarchy.

      WFP/PFP Employee—In an application that has Workforce integration, the Employee comes from the Workforce dimension and not from the Plan element dimension. This however does not impact the format of the file. The only difference is that the Account associated with the Smart List is OPF_Employee Resource_WF.

  • No Project is a member from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Labor is the appropriate member from the Resource Element dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • Labor Expense assumptions are imported to No Year member from the Year dimension and BegBalance from the Period dimension.

  • OEP_Plan is from the Scenario dimension.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phases dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • USD is a member from the Currency dimension.

Importing Labor Expense (Without Workforce)

Use Actual Labor Expense Load Template.csv to import Actual Expenses or Approved Plans for existing projects if you aren’t using Workforce. Planning data for labor expense at the detailed resource level requires you to import Hours, Rate, and Labor expense values.


Rows represent the account dimension.

Labor Hours and Labor Expense should be imported for Analysis and comparison purposes. Importing actual Labor Rate isn't required.

The accounts that actual data is imported to is dependent on the type of project.

  • Onsite/Offsite Labor Hours and Labor Expense accounts are specific to Contract Project Time and Material projects.

  • Labor Hours and Labor Expense accounts are used for Contract Projects – Fixed Price or Cost Plus, Indirect Projects as well as Capital projects.


Months. You can import one month at a time or multiple months simultaneously.

Point of View

  • Use a specific employee member from the Project Element dimension or Unspecified Employee for detailed hours and detailed labor expense.

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Detailed Jobs is from the Resource Element dimension; members from the Detailed Jobs hierarchy specifically.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity dimension.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phase dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • FY16 is from the Year dimension. You can import multiple years simultaneously.

  • OEP_Actual is from the Scenario dimension. To import historical Plan or forecast information, set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the Currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

Importing Labor Expense (With Workforce)

Use Actual Labor Expense WFP Load Template.csv to import Actual Expenses or Approved Plans for existing projects if you also use Workforce.


Rows represent the account dimension.

Labor Expense should be imported for analysis and comparison purposes. Importing actual Labor Rate isn’t required. Detailed Labor Hour analysis per Employee or Job is in Workforce. Only summary level comes into Projects.

The accounts that actual data is imported to is dependent on the type of project.

  • Onsite/Offsite Labor Hours and Labor Expense accounts are specific to Contract Project Time and Material projects.

  • Labor Hours and Labor Expense accounts should be used for Contract Projects – Fixed Price or Cost Plus, Indirect Projects as well as Capital projects.


Months. You can import one month at a time or multiple months simultaneously.

Point of View

  • Line 1 is a member from the Project Element dimension. Each Labor Expense should go to a unique Line Item per project.

  • OPF_Base Resource is from the Resource Element dimension.

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity dimension.

  • FY16 is from the Year dimension. You can import multiple years simultaneously.

  • OEP_Actual is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import historical Plan or forecast information set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phase dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

Importing Equipment Assumptions

Use Equipment Assumption Load Template.csv to import equipment assumptions.

  • Line 1 represents the Project Element dimension.

  • The columns contain the required account members. These members are in OPF_Equipment Assumptions.

    • OPF_Vendor—Sets the Vendor Smart List member for the line item.

    • OPF_Phase—Sets the Phase Smart List member for the line item.

    • OPF_Equipment—Sets the Job Smart List member for the line item. The Job list found in the Resource Element dimension under Detailed Jobs.

    • OPF_Equipment Description is textual.

    • OPF_Equipment Units—Number of units.

  • No Project is a member from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Equipments is the appropriate member from the Resource Element dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity dimension.

  • Equipment Expense assumptions are imported to the No Year member from the Year dimension and BegBalance from the Period dimension.

  • OEP_Plan is from the Scenario dimension.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phases dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • USD is a member from the Currency dimension.

Importing Equipment Actual Expenses

Use Actual Equipment Expense Load Template.csv or Actual Equipment Expense CPX Load Template.csv to import actual equipment expenses. Use Actual Equipment Expense CPX Load Template.csv when you are integrating Projects with Capital.


Rows represent the account dimension.

Equipment Expense should be imported for Analysis and comparison purposes. The accounts that actual data is imported to is dependent on the type of project.

  • Equipment Expense accounts are should be used for Contract Projects—Fixed Price or Cost Plus, Indirect Projects as well as Capital projects.

  • Equipment Expense—Billable should be used for Contract Time Material Projects only.


Months. You can import one month at a time or multiple months simultaneously.

Point of View

  • Line 1 is a member from the Project Element dimension. Each Equipment Expense should go to a unique Line Item per project.

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Detailed Equipment is from the Resource Class dimension. Used for Actual Equipment Expense Load Template.csv only.

  • OPF_Base Resource is from the Resource Element dimension. Used for Actual Equipment Expense CPX Load Template.csv only.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity dimension.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phase dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • FY16 is from the Year dimension. You can import multiple years simultaneously.

  • OEP_Actual is from the Scenario dimension. To import historical Plan or forecast information, set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

Importing Materials Assumptions

Use Material Assumption Load Template.csv to import materials assumptions.

  • Line 1 represents the Project Element dimension.

  • The columns contain the required account dimension members. These members are in OPF_Material Assumptions.

    • OPF_Vendor—Sets the Vendor Smart List member for the line item.

    • OPF_Phase—Sets the Phase Smart List member for the line item.

    • OPF_Material—Sets the Material Smart List member for the line item. The Material Smart List found in the Resource Class dimension under Detailed Materials.

    • OPF_Expense Cash Flow Incidence—Set the value for cash flow calculation.

    • OPF_Billable—Applicable to Time Material Projects only – indicates if expense should be set to billable.

    • OPF_Units—Units assumptions need to be imported by Month. You can either create a separate line for each month or you can use a template similar to Materials actual to import the monthly values more easily.

Point of View

  • No Project is a member from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Materials is the appropriate member from the Resource Class dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity dimension.

  • Material assumptions are imported to the No Year member from the Year dimension and BegBalance from the Period dimension.

  • OEP_Plan is from the Scenario dimension. Or you can use the Forecast member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phase dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • USD is a member from the Currency dimension.

Importing Materials Expenses

Use Actual Material Expense Load Template.csv to import materials expenses.


In the rows is the Material Expense related Account dimension.

Material Units and Material Expense should be imported for Analysis and comparison purposes. Importing actual Material Cost/Unit isn't required.

The accounts that actual data is imported to is dependent on the type of project.

Material Expense—Billable should be used for Contract Project Time and Material type only, all other project types should use Material Expense account.

Therefore for each material used on a project, you will have two lines for actual data to be imported.


Months. You can import one month at a time or multiple months simultaneously.

Point of View

  • OPF_Detailed Material is from the Resource Class dimension—Members from the Detailed Materials hierarchy specifically.

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • Line 1 represents the Project Element dimension. Each different Material used on a project should go to a different Line member.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity dimension.

  • FY16 is from the Year dimension. You can import multiple years simultaneously.

  • OEP_Actual is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import Plan or forecast information set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the Currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phase dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

Importing Other Expense Actuals

Use Actual Other Expense Load Template.csv to import actuals for other expenses.


In the rows is the Other Expense related Account dimension.

The accounts that actual data is imported to is dependent on the type of project. Other Expenses – Billable should be used for Contract Project Time Material type only, all other project types should use Other Expenses account.


Months. You can import one month at a time or multiple months simultaneously.

Point of View

  • Line 1 represents the Project Element dimension. If multiple lines of Other expense you must use a different Line member.

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Base Resource is from the Resource Class dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • FY16 is from the Year dimension. You can import multiple years simultaneously .

  • No Vendor is for dimensions of Vendor dimension, if it is added during enable time.

  • No Phases is for dimensions of Phase dimension, if it is added during enable time.

  • OEP_Actual is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import Plan or forecast information set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

Importing Other Expense Assumptions

Use Other Assumption Load Template.csv to import other expense assumptions.


Line 1 represents the Project Element dimension – use one line for each of the assumptions to be imported.


Account members required to import assumptions. These members are in OPF_Other Assumptions.

  • OPF_Resource Name
  • OPF_Vendor—Sets the Vendor Smart List member for the line item.

  • OPF_Phase—Sets the Phase Smart List member for the line item.

  • OPF_Expense Cash Flow Incidence—Set the value for cash flow calculation.

  • OPF_Billable—Applicable to Time Material Projects only – indicates if expense should be set to billable.

  • OPF_Other Expenses—Expense amount assumption need to be imported by Month. You can either create a separate line for each month or you can use a template similar to Other Expense actual to import the monthly values more easily.

Point of View

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Other is from the Resource Class dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity dimension.

  • No Year is for appropriate member for the Smart List and Billable indicator, whereas FY16 is from the Year dimension for the Expense amount. You can import multiple years simultaneously.

  • OEP_Plan is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import forecast information set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

  • BegBalance is applicable for the Smart List assignments where the actual month is to be imported.

  • Vendor 1 is for dimensions of the Vendor dimension, if it is added during enable time.

  • Phase 1 is for dimensions of the Phase dimension, if it is added during enable time.

Importing Direct Expense Actuals and Direct Revenue Actuals

Use Actual Direct Expense Load Template.csv or Actual Direct Revenue Load Template.csv to import actuals for direct expenses or direct revenue.


In the rows is the Direct Expense/Direct Revenue related Account dimension.

The accounts to be imported using this file format can be found under OPF_Other Direct Costs in the account dimension. The accounts that actual data is imported to is dependent on the type of project. Any expense accounts that have " Billable" in the name should be used for Contract Project Time Material type only.


Months. You can import one month at a time or multiple months simultaneously.

Point of View

  • Line 1 represents the Project Element dimension. If there are multiple lines, you must use a different Line member.

  • Project 1 represents a member from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Direct Resource is from the Resource Class dimension.

  • Entity 1 is from the Entity Dimension.

  • FY16 is from the Year dimension. You can import multiple years simultaneously.

  • OEP_Actual is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import historical Plan or forecast information set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the Currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

  • No Vendor is for the Vendor dimension, if it was added during enablement.

  • No Phases is the Phase dimension, if it was added during enablement.

  • <Custom Dimension>—Any custom dimensions that you added when you enabled features.

Importing Direct Expense Assumptions and Direct Revenue Assumptions

Use Direct Expense Assumption Load Template.csv to import direct expense assumptions and Direct Revenue Assumption Load Template.csv to import direct revenue assumptions.


Line 1 represents the Project Element dimension. Use one line for each assumption to import.


The columns contain the account members you need to import assumptions. These members are in OPF_Direct Input Expense Assumptions:

  • OPF_Expense Type or OPF_Revenue Type—Smart List for the account associated with the assumption

  • OPF_Vendor—Vendor Smart List member for the line item.

  • OPF_Phase—Phase Smart List member for the line item.

  • OPF_Direct Expense Amount or OPF_Revenue Amount—Amount to import on a monthly basis. You can create a line for each month, or use a template similar to OEP_PFP Actual Other Expense.csv to import monthly values.

Point of View

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Direct Entry is from the Resource Class dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • No Year is for appropriate member for the Smart List and Billable indicator, whereas FY16 is from the Year dimension for the Expense or Revenue amount. You can import multiple years simultaneously.

  • OEP_Plan is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import forecast information set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phases dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

  • BegBalance is applicable for the Smart List assignments where the actual month is to be imported.

Importing Revenue Actuals for Contract Time and Material Projects

Use Actual Revenue Time and Material Load Template.csv or Actual Revenue Time and Material No Emp Load Template.csv to import actuals for time and materials projects.

Project Revenue is based on the labor hours, equipment units, material units, and their associated billing rates. See Importing Standard Billing Rates (Contract Projects Only).


Field 1 represents the Resource Class Dimension.

Detailed Resources should be placed on the rows, the resources themselves can be found in the Resource Class dimension under Detailed Resources.

  • Detailed Jobs

  • Detailed Materials

  • Detailed Equipment

  • OPF_Base Resource is used for all other Revenue for TM Projects


Periods. You can import one month at a time or multiple periods simultaneously.

Point of View

  • Unspecified Employee is from the Plan Element dimension. You can import to named employee if employees have been imported.

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Contract Revenue—Labor, OPF_Contract Revenue – Material, OPF_Contract Revenue – Equipment are all from the account dimension. Align the Resource class member to the account member.

    • OPF_Contract Revenue—Labor is applicable for Detailed Jobs.

    • OPF_Contract Revenue—Material is applicable for Detailed Material.

    • OPF_Contract Revenue—Equipment is applicable for Detailed Equipment.

    • OPF_Contract Revenue—Others is applicable for Base Resource.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phases dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • OEP_Actual is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import historical Plan or forecast information set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

Importing Revenue Assumptions for Cost Plus Projects

Use Cost Plus Assumptions Load Template.csv to import assumptions to indicate what is the driver or drivers of Cost Plus Project.


Line 1 is from the Project Element dimension. Each layer of Cost Plus contract should be entered on a line. If Cost Plus Margin % is simply on total you will only have one line.


OPF_Cost Plus Driver sets the Smart List for the contract terms.

OPF_Cost Plus Margin % is the overall Margin % for the contract. If the Margin % varies by year or by month, the data should be imported in a similar manner to Cost Plus Revenue Actuals.

Point of View

  • OPF_Cost Plus is from Resource Element dimension.

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • Cost Plus Contract terms are entered to BegBalance No Year.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • OEP_Plan is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import forecast information set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phases dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

Importing Revenue Actuals for Cost Plus Projects

Use Actual Revenue Cost Plus Load Template.csv to import revenue actuals.


OPF_Contract Revenue – Cost Plus is the Account to import revenue to for a Cost Plus Project


Periods. You can import one month at a time or multiple periods simultaneously.

Point of View

  • Line 1 represents the Project Element dimension. If there are multiple lines, you must use a different Line member.

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Base Resource is from the Resource Element dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • FY16 is from the Year dimension. You can import multiple years simultaneously.

  • OEP_Actual is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import historical Plan or forecast information set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phases dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

Importing Global Assumptions for Overhead

Use Overhead Assumptions Load Template.csv to import global assumptions.

Global assumptions can either be manually entered via forms or can be imported into Projects.


Field 1 represents the Account dimension.


OPF_Overhead Method—Sets the Smart List for the Overhead method for each type of overhead. The accounts to be imported using this file format can be found under OPF_Indirect Expense in the account dimension.

Point of View

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • No Resource Class Resource is from the Resource Class dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • BegBalance is from the Period dimension.

  • OEP_Plan is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import historical Actuals or forecast information set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • No Currency is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phase dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

Importing Overhead Rates

Use Overhead Rates Load Template.csv to import overhead rates.


Line 1 represents the Account dimension. The account members that you import are loaded to OPF_Indirect Expense.


Years for the overhead rates.

Point of View

  • OPF_Overhead Rate—Account to which to import rates.

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • No Resource Class Resource is from the Resource Class dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • BegBalance is from the Period dimension.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phase dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • OEP_Plan is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import historical Actuals or forecast information set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • No Currency is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

Importing Standard Rates

Use Standard Equipment Rates Load Template.csv, Standard Labor Rates Load Template.csv, and Standard Material Rates Load Template.csv to import Standard Rates for expense calculations. Members are loaded into the Resource Class dimension.

Import a standard rate for all applicable detailed resources members such as Labor, Equipment, and Materials. Each has their own account into which rates are imported.

Column contains account members

  • OPF_Detailed Equipment Standard Cost is used for Detailed Equipment Resources.

  • OPF_Detailed Jobs Standard Hourly Cost is used for Detailed Labor Resources.

  • OPF_Detailed Materiall Standard Cost is used for the Detailed Material Resources.

Point of View

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Standard Labor is from the Plan element Dimension and should be used for all Labor Assumptions.

    OPF_Standard Equipment and OPF_Standard Material members should align with the members from the Account dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • BegBalance is from the Period dimension.

  • OEP_Plan is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import historical Actuals or forecast information set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • OPF_Material Standard Cost, OPF_Equipment Standard Cost, OPF_Labor Standard Hourly Cost.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

    If rates vary by vendor, the file should contain multiple rows for the same Resource Class.

  • No Phases is from the Phases dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

Importing Standard Billing Rates (Contract Projects Only)

Use Standard Equipment Billing Rates Load Template.csv, Standard Labor Billing Rates Load Template.csv, and Standard Material Billing Rates Load Template.csv to import Standard Billing Rates in a revenue-enabled application.


Import Standard Billing Rates to the members in the Resource Class dimension. A Standard Billing Rate should be imported for all applicable detailed resources members. Detailed Resource planning can be for Labor, Equipment and Materials. Each has their own account into which rates are imported.


The columns contain these accounts:

  • OPF_Detailed Equipment Standard Billing Rate—For Detailed Equipment Resources

  • OPF_Detailed Material Standard Billing Rate—For Detailed Material Resources

  • OPF_Detailed Jobs for Detailed Labor Resources.

Point of View

  • No Project—From the Project dimension

  • OPF_Standard Labor—From the Plan Element dimension. Use this for all Labor Assumptions.

  • OPF_Equipment Standard Billing Rate and OPF_Material Standard Billing Rate members—Align with Account members.

  • OPF_Onsite and Offsite Standard Billing Rate—For Detailed Labor Resources

  • BegBalance—From the Period dimension.

  • OEP_Plan—From the Scenario dimension. To import historical Actuals or forecast, specify the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working—Fom the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phase dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

Importing Working Days and Hours

Use Working Days and Hours Load Template.csv to import standard working days and hours, when Integration from Workforce is not selected. Column

Contains account members.

  • OPF_Working Hours per Day

  • OPF_Working Days per Month

Point of View

  • Working days and hours are imported to the No Project Element and No Resource class members.

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • BegBalance is from the Period dimension.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phases dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • OEP_Plan is from the Scenario dimension.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • No Currency is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

Importing Financial Project Benefits Assumptions

Use Financial Benefit Assumption Load Template.csv to import financial project benefit assumptions.


OPF_PB Line 1 is from the Project Element dimension. Each Benefit should go to a different benefit line.


  • OPF_Impacted Account sets the Smart List to link the benefit to a natural Account.

  • OPF_Financial Benefits is a text field.

  • OPF_Financial Benefit Amount is the value of the benefit. This assumption needs to be entered in the applicable month or months.

Point of View

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Base Resource is a member from the Project Resource dimension.

  • Impacted Account and Financial Benefit textural value are entered to BegBalance No Year.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • OEP_Plan is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import forecast information, set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phases dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

Importing Financial Project Benefits Actuals

Use Actual Financial Benefit Load Template.csv to import financial project benefit actuals.


Field 1 represents the Account dimension that the benefit is applicable to.


Months. You can import one month at a time or multiple months simultaneously.

Point of View

  • OPF_PB Line 1 represents a member from the Project Element dimension.

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Base Resource is from the Resource Class dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • OEP_Actual is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import multiple periods of Plan or forecast information, set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phase dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

Importing Non Financial Project Benefits Assumptions

Use Non Financial Benefit Assumption Load Template.csv to import non financial project benefit assumptions.


OPF_PB Line 1 is from the Project Element dimension. Each Benefit should go to a different benefit line.


  • OPF_Non Financial Benefits sets the Smart List to your non financial benefit items. Non Financial Benefit Smart List needs to be populated with the customized list of perceived benefits.

  • OPF_Benefit Description is a text field.

  • OPF_ OPF_Quantative Measure is the value of the benefit. This assumption needs to be entered in the applicable month or months.

Point of View

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • OPF_Base Resource is a member from the Project Resource dimension.

  • Impacted Account and Financial Benefit textual value are entered to BegBalance No Year. OPF_Quantative Measure should be entered per month.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • OEP_Plan is from the Scenario dimension. If you want to import forecast information, set this field to the corresponding member.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phase dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

Importing Expense Allocations

Use Allocate Expense To Assets Load Template.csv to import expense allocations for capital project assets, if you are integrating Projects with Capital.


Line 1 is from the Project Element dimension. Each row allocates a % of a category of expense to a CIP Asset in Capital (Construction in Progress Asset).


  • OPF_Project Expenses—Sets the Smart List value for the project expense account which needs to be allocated.

  • OPF_Capital Expenses—Sets the Smart List value for the Capital Expense account. Expenses allocated to the asset goes to this account in Capital.

  • OPF_Capitalization—Specify the % of expense to be allocated to the asset.

  • OPF_Asset Class—Sets the Smart List value for the Asset Class account. This corresponds to the asset class members in Capital which CIP asset is associated to.

  • OPF_Asset Details—Sets the Smart List value for the CIP asset to which allocation is being done. The assets correspond to the Asset Detail members in Capital.

Point of View

  • No Project is from the Project dimension.

  • No Resource Class is from the Resource Class dimension.

  • OEP_No Entity is from the Entity Dimension.

  • No Year is from the Years dimension.

  • OEP_Working is from the Version dimension.

  • USD is from the currency dimension if the application uses simplified multiple currency.

  • No Vendor is from the Vendor dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • No Phases is from the Phase dimension, if it was added when you enabled features.

  • BegBalance is from the Period dimension.


For the first data import, run the rules required to process and calculate the data: OPF_Rollup Projects and Rollup Project Cube. If you imported actuals, run Prepare Detailed Forecast Data and Prepare High Level Forecast Data.