Performance Considerations with Workforce Rules

Consider these best practice tips to potentially improve the execution performance of Workforce rules.

  • Workforce rules assume that the FIXPARALLEL statement runs on the Entity dimension, which is ideal if you're loading the bulk of your data into the Entity dimension. However, if you load the bulk of your data into another dimension, for example, a Flex dimension such as Project, you can improve performance by modifying the FIXPARALLEL statement to apply to the Project dimension instead. Workforce provides a template named OWP_Fix Parallel_T that is used in several rules and templates. See table Table 6-8 for a detailed list of rules and templates dependent on OWP_Fix Parallel_T. If you modify the FIXPARALLEL statement to reflect your optimal dimension, all dependent rules and templates take advantage of the performance improvement.


    To determine the best dimension to include in the FIXPARALLEL statement, Oracle recommends that you do some testing using realistic and representative data.

    To modify the template OWP_Fix Parallel_T:

    1. As an example, assuming you want to set Flex Dim1 instead of Entity as the dimension used in the FIXPARALLEL statement:
      1. Open the OWP_Fix Parallel_T template in Calculation Manager in the OEP_WFP cube.
      2. In "Template Designer", select "Flex Dimension 1"->"FlexDim1Fix=,@RELATIVE(…" Design-time Prompts assignment object.

        Remove the leading comma from the right side of the Formula equation leaving only "@RELATIVE({FlexDim1},0)" from ",@RELATIVE({FlexDim1},0)".

      3. In "Template Designer", select "Member selection of…" Design-time Prompts assignment object.
        1. Swap the right side of the formula equation for the FixParDimSel and FixStmtMbrSel formulae for "@RELATIVE({Department},0)" and "[FlexDim1Fix]", respectively.


          FixParDimSel = @RELATIVE({Department},0)
          FixStmtMbrSel = {Scenario}, {Version} [FlexDim1Fix] [FlexDim2Fix] [FlexDim3Fix] [CurrencyDTP]


          FixParDimSel = [FlexDim1Fix]
          FixStmtMbrSel = {Scenario}, {Version} ,@RELATIVE({Department},0) [FlexDim2Fix] [FlexDim3Fix] [CurrencyDTP]
        2. Ensure a leading comma is placed before "@RELATIVE({Department},0)" which should now be in the FixStmtMbrSel formula.
      4. Save the template.

      Note: Fix Parallel can have multiple dimensions. You can have one or more dimensions on the right side of FixParDimSel in "Template Designer"->"Member selection of…". Choose the right dimensions from Entity, Employee, Job or custom dimensions enabled for best results.

    2. Redeploy the following rules and templates after modifying OWP_Fix Parallel_T.

      Table 6-8 OWP_Fix Parallel_T Dependent Rules and Templates

      Rule/Template Name


      OWP_Process Loaded Data


      OWP_Synchronize Defaults


      OWP_Synchronize Definition


      OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults_GT


      OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Definition_GT


      OWP_Incremental Synchronize Defaults_GT


      OWP_Incremental Synchronize Definition_GT


      • Test your changes in your Test instance before applying the changes in Production.

      • When you modify the template, ensure that the syntax (for example, the placement of commas) is valid and balanced by reviewing the Design-time Prompts (DTP).

  • If your organization’s usual practice is to run Synchronize Defaults immediately after running Process Loaded Data, you can reduce execution time by modifying the Process Loaded Data rule to substitute the Synchronize Defaults templates in place of the Synchronize Definition templates in the same relative positions. By doing this, you eliminate the execution time of the Synchronize Definition templates, which is unnecessary if you include the Synchronize Defaults templates in the Process Loaded Data rule because Synchronize Defaults includes the logic in Synchronize Definition.

  • If you load the additional earning, benefit, and tax assignments directly from a source Human Resources or Payroll system, such as Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management, then you do not need to run Synchronize Defaults nor Calculate Compensation. Running Process Loaded Data is sufficient in this use case to calculate compensation for all the loaded data, because it includes Synchronize Component Definition.

  • Oracle strongly recommends using the Incremental Data Load process using Data Integration for bulk-loading all Workforce data. This process is the most efficient and optimized solution to load and calculate your Workforce data. See Loading and Calculating Incremental Workforce Data.