Updating Workforce Artifacts


Enhancements available in certain releases, described here, require updates to some provided artifacts.

  • If you haven't modified these artifacts (described in this topic), the artifacts and features are available to you automatically with the release.
  • Because customized artifacts aren't updated during a new release, if you've customized these artifacts and want to take advantage of the new features, perform these steps:
  1. Perform a full backup after the update and download it locally.

  2. Review the list of modified artifacts and consider whether the enhancements in the monthly update address the modifications you've made to artifacts. Evaluate whether you want to restore the modified artifacts to take advantage of the new features, and whether you will need to reapply some or all of your modifications.


    For any artifacts listed below that you have modified, consider creating a copy of your modified artifact and using that as a reference for the changes you made to it.


    Obsolete artifacts remain available for your use but will no longer be enhanced and could be removed from active forms, menus, dashboards, and so on.
  3. After the update, reverse the customizations to the artifacts you've identified to restore the artifacts to the provided format. See Reversing Customizations.
  4. Reimplement your customizations to the artifacts, if necessary.
  5. For any restored Calculation Manager rules or templates, after they are final, be sure to deploy the updated rules or templates to the application for any impacted artifacts. See Showing the Usages of a Custom Template and Deploying Business Rules and Business Rulesets.

May 2024

The following information describes new and modified artifacts in the May 2024 update.

Table C-9 May 2024

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults_T
  • OWP_Process Loaded Data_T
  • OWP_Calculate Employee Compensation_Te
  • OWP_Assign Defaults_T
  • OWP_Assign Target Defaults
  • OWP_Change Existing Details_T
  • OWP_Custom Template
Dimension Members

OWP_Calculated Max Value


October 2023

The following information describes new and modified artifacts in the October 2023 update.

Table C-10 October 2023

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts
  • OWP_Add Requisition_T
  • OWP_Assign Defaults_T
  • OWP_Assign Target Defaults
  • OWP_Associate Employee
  • OWP_Calculate Employee Compensation_Te
  • OWP_Calculate Job Compensation_T
  • OWP_Change Existing Details_T
  • OWP_Change Job
  • OWP_Enable Job_T
  • OWP_Plan Departure_T
  • OWP_Process Loaded Data_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition_T
  • OWP_Transfer_T
  • OWP_Transfer Heacount_T
  • OWP_Transfer In_T
  • OWP_Transfer Out_T
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults_GT
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Definition_GT
  • OWP_Add TBH (Deprecated rule removed for new applications)

  • OWP_Change Employee Status (Deprecated rule removed for new applications)

  • OWP_ChangeHiringRequisitionStatus (Deprecated rule removed for new applications)

Groovy Rules  

OWP_Invalid Smartlist Mapping

  • OWP_New Hire - Request
  • OWP_Manage Existing Employees
  • OWP_Identify Invalid Data
  • OWP_Identify Invalid Data_JO
  • OWP_Process Data and Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_Process Data and Synchronize Definition_JO
  • OWP_Process Data with Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_Process New Hires
  • OWP_Process Data and Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Process Data and Synchronize Defaults_JO
  • OWP_Process Data with Synchronize Defaults

OWP_Identify Invalid Financials Mapping

Member Formulas
  • OWP_Basic salary
  • OWP_Merit
New Members Added in Account Dimension  
  • OWP_Earning11 to OWP_Earning30
  • OWP_Benefit11 to OWP_Benefit30
  • OWP_Tax11 to OWP_Tax30
New Members Added in Property Dimension   OWP_Workforce Members For Forms (Shared hierarchy)

May 2023 Update

The following information describes new and modified artifacts in the May 2023 update.

Table C-11 May 2023

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts
  • OWP_Process Data and Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_Process Data and Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Change Job
  • OWP_Transfer Heacount_T
  • OWP_Process Data and Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Transfer_T
  • OWP_Transfer Out_T
  • OWP_Change Existing Details_T
  • OWP_Change Requisition_GT
  • OWP_Process Loaded Data_T
  • OWP_Plan Departure_T
  • OWP_Assign Defaults_T
  • OWP_Assign Target Defaults
  • OWP_Change Existing Details_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition_T
  • OWP_Assign Target Defaults
  • OWP_Change Existing Details_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition_T
OWP_Custom Template
Global RTP   Department—Global RTP created at the rule level for these rules:
  • OWP_Add Benefit Defaults
  • OWP_Add Earning Defaults
  • OWP_Add Salary Defaults
  • OWP_Add Taxes Defaults
  • OWP_Copy Rates across Years
  • OWP_Copy Rates from Periodicities
  • OWP_Remove Compensation Defaults
  • OWP_Associate Employee
  • OWP_Change Job
  • OWP_Transfer In
  • OWP_Strategic Headcount
  • OWP_Add Job
  • OWP_Calculate Demand
  • OWP_Calculate Demand for All Data
  • OWP_Calculate Supply
  • OWP_Calculate Supply for All Data
Global RTP   DepartmentFrom—Global RTP created at the rule level for these rules:
  • OWP_Remove Hiring Requisition
  • OWP_Transfer Out
Account Members Formulas were updated for these members:
  • OWP_Contractor Headcount
  • OWP_Temporary Headcount
  • OWP_Other Headcount
  • OWP_Regular FTE
  • OWP_Contractor FTE
  • OWP_Temporary FTE
  • OWP_Other FTE

November 2022 Update

The following information describes new and modified artifacts in the November 2022 update.

Table C-12 November 2022 Update

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts
Groovy Templates   OWP_Process Master Data_T

October 2022 Update

The following information describes new and modified artifacts in the October 2022 update.

For information about important tasks that you must complete immediately after updating the Workforce October 2022 content, see Post Update Tasks.

Review the following important information about artifacts you might have customized:

  • If you have modified the Calculation Manager template for OWP_Change Existing Details_T, but not the Groovy template (OWP_Change Requisition_GT), you must restore the Calculation Manager template.
  • If you have modified the Calculation Manager template for OWP_Enable Job_T, but not the Groovy template, you must restore the Calculation Manager template.

For information about restoring artifacts, see Reversing Customizations.

Table C-13 October 2022 Update

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts
Member Formulas
  • OWP_Merit Adjustment %
  • OWP_Merit
  • OWP_Basic Salary
  • OWP_Skill Set_Reporting
  • OWP_Gender_Reporting
  • OWP_Age Band_Reporting
  • OWP_Highest Education Degree_Reporting (Property Dimension)
Groovy Rules  
  • OWP_Copy Employee Master Data across Periodicities
  • OWP_CopyYearlyAndQtrlyPlanDataToFirstPreiod
  • OWP_Add Requisition_GT
  • OWP_Add Requisition_T
  • OWP_Assign Defaults_T
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults_GT
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Definition_GT
  • OWP_Incremental Synchronize Defaults_GT
  • OWP_Incremental Synchronize Definition_GT
  • OWP_Process Loaded Data_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition_T
  • OWP_Associate Employee
  • OWP_Calculate Employee Compensation_Te
  • OWP_Calculate Job Compensation_T
  • OWP_Change Job
  • OWP_Enable Job_GT
  • OWP_Enable Job_T
  • OWP_Plan Departure_T
  • OWP_Transfer Heacount_T
  • OWP_Transfer In_T
  • OWP_Transfer Out_T
  • OWP_Transfer_T
  • OWP_Change Existing Details_T
  • OWP_Change Requisition_GT
  • OWP_Assign target Defaults
  • Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults
  • Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Definition
  • Incremental Synchronize Defaults
  • Incremental Synchronize Definition
  • Employee Properties
  • Manage Existing Employees
  • New Hire - Request
  • Process Data and Synchronize Defaults
  • Process Data with Synchronize Defaults
  • Process Data and Synchronize Defaults_JO
  • Process Data and Synchronize Definition
  • Process Data with Synchronize Definition
  • Process Data and Synchronize Definition_JO
  • Synchronize Defaults
  • Synchronize Definition
  • Review Employee Information
  • Review Job Information
  • Process New Hires
  • Employee Master Data
  • FTE Assignment Analysis
User Variables  
  • Period
  • Employee Parent
Data Load Templates
  • EJ_EmployeePropertiesDataLoad_Actuals
  • EJ_EmployeePropertiesDataLoad_Plan
  • EO_EmployeePropertiesDataLoad_Actuals
  • EO_EmployeePropertiesDataLoad_Plan
  • JO_JobPropertiesDataLoad_Plan
Accounts Enabled in the Reporting Cube
  • Descendants of OWP_Total Headcount
  • IDescendants of OWP_Total FTE
Data Maps Headcount Data for Reporting  
  • OWP_End Date (Account dimension)
  • OEP_Home Entity (Entity dimension, when Split-Funded FTE is enabled)

December 2021 Update

The following information describes new and modified artifacts related to the performance enhancements in the December 2021 update.

All Workforce rules and some member formulas have been updated with changes to enhance performance. There are no functional changes but the logic has been updated to leverage performance gains in the underlying technology. Any rule or member that is unmodified will automatically receive these performance enhancements. Any modified rule or member will remain as-is without these performance enhancements. Oracle recommends restoring these artifacts to their original state to uptake these performance enhancements and reapplying your modifications to the updated logic, if necessary.

Additionally, a new rule, Calculate Employee Compensation for All Data (or Calculate Job Compensation for All Data in a Job only model) allows administrators and power users to calculate compensation for all data within their scope.


In Workforce, when Hybrid is enabled, because Employee and Job dimension are expected to be set with all parents aggregated dynamically, Workforce does not aggregate these dimensions. In earlier releases, Add Requisition was aggregated; starting with 21.12 it is no longer aggregated.

Table C-14 December 2021 Update

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts
Calculation Manager Templates
  • OWP_Calculate Employee Compensation_Te
  • OWP_Calculate Job Compensation_T
  • OWP_Process Loaded Data_T
  • OWP_Change Exsiting Details_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition_T
  • OWP_Assign Defaults_T
  • OWP_Transfer In_T
  • OWP_Transfer Out_T
  • OWP_Transfer_T
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Definition_GT
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults_GT
  • OWP_Incremental Synchronize Defaults_GT
  • OWP_Incremental Synchronize Definition_GT
  • OWP_Plan Departure_T
  • OWP_Change Job
  • OWP_Assign Defaults AGG_T
  • OWP_Calculate Demand
  • OWP_Calculate Supply
  • OWP_Add Requisition_T
  • OWP_Change Requisition_T
  • "OWP_Change Existing Details_T"
  • "OWP_Plan Departure_T"
  • OWP_Enable Job_T
  • OWP_Transfer headcount_T
Calculation Manager Rules
  • OWP_Process Loaded Data
  • OWP_Calculate Existing Employee Compensation
  • OWP_Calculate New Hire Compensation
  • OWP_Calculate Job Compensation
  • OWP_Process Loaded Data
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_Transfer In
  • OWP_Transfer Out
  • OWP_Transfer
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_Incremental Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Incremental Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_Change Job
  • OWP_Calculate Employee Compensation for All Data
  • OWP_Calculate Job Compensation for All Data
  • OWP_CYTD(Prior) (in the Property dimension)
  • OWP_Tax1... Tax10 (in the Account dimension)


To further improve rules performance, you can modify all CYTD formulas in both Account and Property.

Take the year range of both the plan and forecast scenarios and update the formulas to work only for that year range. For example, if the Plan scenario year range is set to FY21 to FY24 and the Forecast scenario year range is set to FY22 to FY24, update the formulas accordingly with the year range from FY21 to FY24.

These modifications are needed only in applications where January is not the start month.

Replace "Apr" in these formulas with the last month of the application.

  • "OWP_CYTD Total Salary" formula =
    /* Plan and forecast year range sets from FY21 to FY24 */
    IF(@ISMBR("OWP_Expense Amount"))
      IF("Fiscal TP-Index"==1 and "Yr-Index"!=0) 
    	 "OWP_Total Salary" + "FY21"->"Apr"->"OWP_CYTD Total Salary"; /*Hardcoded prior year and last month of the fiscal app*/ 
    	 "OWP_Total Salary" + "FY22"->"Apr"->"OWP_CYTD Total Salary";
    	 "OWP_Total Salary" + "FY23"->"Apr"->"OWP_CYTD Total Salary";
     ELSEIF("Cal TP-Index"==1)
        "OWP_Total Salary";
        "OWP_Total Salary" + @PRIOR("OWP_CYTD Total Salary");
  • "OWP_CYTD Gross Earnings" formula =
    IF(@ISMBR("OWP_Expense Amount"))
      IF("Fiscal TP-Index"==1 and "Yr-Index"!=0) 
         " OWP_Total Compensation" + "FY21"->"Apr"->"OWP_CYTD Gross Earnings";
         "OWP_Total Compensation" + "FY22"->"Apr"->"OWP_CYTD Gross Earnings";
         "OWP_Total Compensation" + "FY23"->"Apr"->"OWP_CYTD Gross Earnings";     
     ELSEIF("Cal TP-Index"==1)
        "OWP_Total Compensation";
        "OWP_Total Compensation" + @PRIOR("OWP_CYTD Gross Earnings");
  • "OWP_CYTD Taxable Compensation" formula =
    IF(@ISMBR("OWP_Expense Amount"))
      IF("Fiscal TP-Index"==1 and "Yr-Index"!=0) 
    	 "OWP_Total Compensation" + "FY21"->"Apr"->"OWP_CYTD Taxable Compensation";
    	 "OWP_Total Compensation" + "FY22"->"Apr"->"OWP_CYTD Taxable Compensation";
    	 "OWP_Total Compensation" + "FY23"->"Apr"->"OWP_CYTD Taxable Compensation";	 
     ELSEIF("Cal TP-Index"==1)
        "OWP_Total Compensation";
        "OWP_Total Compensation" + @PRIOR("OWP_CYTD Taxable Compensation");
  • "OWP_CYTD(Prior)" Formula from property =
    IF(@ismbr(@relative("OWP_Total Compensation",0)))  
      IF("Fiscal TP-Index"=="Cal TP-Index" OR ("Fiscal TP-Index"!="Cal TP-Index" and ("OWP_Payment Terms"->"BegBalance"==[OWP_PaymentTerms.FiscalMonth] OR "OWP_Payment Terms"->"BegBalance"==[OWP_PaymentTerms.FiscalQuarter] OR "OWP_Payment Terms"->"BegBalance"==[OWP_PaymentTerms.FiscalYear]))) 
      @SUMRANGE("OWP_Expense Amount", @REMOVE(@CURRMBRRANGE("Period", LEV, 0, ,-1),@LIST("OEP_Yearly Plan","Qtrly 1","Qtrly 2","Qtrly 3","Qtrly 4"))); 
      IF("Fiscal TP-Index"==1 and "Yr-Index"!=0)
    	 "FY21"->"Apr"->"OWP_Expense Amount"+"FY21"->"Apr"->"OWP_CYTD(Prior)"+"BegBalance"->"OWP_Expense Amount";
    	 "FY22"->"Apr"->"OWP_Expense Amount"+"FY22"->"Apr"->"OWP_CYTD(Prior)"+"BegBalance"->"OWP_Expense Amount";
    	 "FY23"->"Apr"->"OWP_Expense Amount"+"FY23"->"Apr"->"OWP_CYTD(Prior)"+"BegBalance"->"OWP_Expense Amount";
      ELSEIF("Cal TP-Index"==1 AND "OWP_Start Date"->"No Property" != #MISSING)
    	@PRIOR("OWP_Expense Amount",1,@Relative("YearTotal",0)) + @PRIOR("OWP_CYTD(Prior)",1,@Relative("YearTotal",0));

August 2021 Update

The following information describes modified artifacts relating to Workforce enhancements in the 21.08 update, along with changes you must make in the application to use the new features.

Adding Custom Dimensions to the Reporting Cube

In this update, for new applications, you have the option to choose whether to add custom dimensions to the reporting cube (OEP_REP) the first time you enable features.

For existing applications, you have a one-time option to add custom dimensions to the reporting cube the next time you enable features. Before you enable features, you must clear data in the OEP_REP cube.

To choose which dimensions are pushed to the reporting cube (OEP_REP), see Adding Custom Dimensions to the Reporting Cube:

  • For new applications, you can perform this task only once, when you first enable features.
  • For existing applications, you have a one-time option to perform this task the next time you make a change in Enable Features.

Merit Assumptions

  • Give users access to access to the new dashboard Workforce and Merit Assumptions.

  • If you enabled Merit Assumptions, and you specify to plan at the Global level, the Workforce and Merit Assumptions dashboard uses Company Assumptions, and Entity is hidden. If you you specify to plan at the Per Entity level, the Workforce and Merit Assumptions dashboard uses Entity and Company Assumptions is hidden.

  • For existing customers, if you enable Merit Assumptions and choose to plan by Entity or by Global, you must enter data for Merit Rate, Merit Month, and Cut-off Date at Entity or Global level. When you are loading data for existing employees using Data Management or Data Integration, these assumptions are copied to employees as part of the Incremental Process Data with Synchronize rule. Alternatvely, you can run Process Loaded Data whenever you update Merit Month or Cut-off Date.

Updated Employee Details Form

There is a new member, Merit Increase, in the Component dimension, which is assigned as a Smart List value for Merit Account. For existing customers, after updating content for 21.08, in the Employee Details form, the row heading for Merit displays 1 instead of the new Smart List value. To update the Employee Details form to display the new member, Merit Increase, run either the Calculate Compensation or Synchronize rule.

Table C-15 August 2021 Update - Workforce New and Modified Artifacts

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts
Dashboards   Workforce and Merit Assumptions

Make sure to give users access to access to the new dashboard Workforce and Merit Assumptions.

  • Salary Grades
  • Merit Rates
  • Employee Properties—Merit Month row was removed
  • Process Data and Synchronize Defaults—Merit Month row was removed
  • Process Data and Synchronize Definition—Merit Month row was removed
  • Salary Mapping
  • Merit Mapping
  • Merit Assumptions
  • Financial Account Mapping
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults_T
  • OWP_Assign Target Defaults
  • OWP_Assign Defaults_T
  • OWP_Remove Compensation Defaults
  • OWP_Add Salary Defaults
  • OWP_Add Tax Defaults
  • OWP_Add Earning Defaults
  • OWP_Add Benefit Defaults
  • OWP_Process Loaded Data_T
  • OWP_Transfer Out
  • OWP_Transfer_T
  • OWP_Change Job
  • OWP_Change Existing Details_T
  • OWP_Copy Data across Entities_GT
  • OWP_Copy Data across Entities
  • OWP_Copy Data Across Entities For Grades_GT
  • OWP_Copy Data Across Entities For Grades
  • OWP_Remove Financial Mappings
  • OWP_Add Salary Mapping For Financials
  • OWP_Add Merit Mapping For Financials
  • OWP_Synchronize Mappings For Financial Accounts_T
  • Remove Financial Mappings
  • Add Salary Mapping For Financials
  • Add Merit Mapping For Financials
  • Synchronize Mappings For Financial Accounts
  • OWP_Merit—Added HSP_NOLINK,Hsp_ConvertNonCurrencyValue UDA
  • OWP_Skill Set, OWP_Gender, OWP_Age Band, OWP_Highest Education Degree—Added Hsp_ConvertNonCurrencyValue UDA
  • OWP_Merit Adjustment % Cum—Updated formula
  • OWP_Basic Salary—Updated member formula
  • OWP_Cut-Off Date—New member in Account dimension
  • OWP_Merit Increase—New member in Component dimension
  • OWP_No Grade—New member in Component dimension
Data Maps Headcount and FTE Data for Reporting—Headcount Data for Reporting is renamed to Headcount and FTE Data for Reporting, and is updated to include the OWP_FTE account. (Renamed existing data map.)  

November 2020 Update

The following information describes modified artifacts relating to Workforce currency conversion calculation for assumptions enhancements in the 20.11 update.

Beginning with the November 2020 release, as part of the Workforce currency conversion calculation for assumptions enhancements, the following changes have been made.

With this update, added a new UDA Hsp_ConvertNonCurrencyValue to all earnings, benefits, taxes, and basic salary in the accounts dimension and to No Property from property dimension. With this currency conversion batch calculation copies assumptions (smart list values of earning, benefits, taxes, and basic salary) to reporting currency in the Workforce. This populates data across the components in the reporting cube after running the Compensation Data for Reporting datamap.


Generate new currency conversion script using Currency Conversions under Create and Manage to generate new updated script.

Table C-16 November 2020 Update - Workforce Modified Artifacts

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts


  • OWP_Earning1

  • OWP_Earning2

  • OWP_Earning3

  • OWP_Earning4

  • OWP_Earning5

  • OWP_Earning6

  • OWP_Earning7

  • OWP_Earning8

  • OWP_Earning9

  • OWP_Earning10

  • OWP_Benefit1

  • OWP_Benefit2

  • OWP_Benefit3

  • OWP_Benefit4

  • OWP_Benefit5

  • OWP_Benefit6

  • OWP_Benefit7

  • OWP_Benefit8

  • OWP_Benefit9

  • OWP_Benefit10

  • OWP_Tax1

  • OWP_Tax2

  • OWP_Tax3

  • OWP_Tax4

  • OWP_Tax5

  • OWP_Tax6

  • OWP_Tax7

  • OWP_Tax8

  • OWP_Tax9

  • OWP_Tax10

  • OWP_Basic Salary



No Property


October 2020 Update

The following information describes modified artifacts relating to transfer enhancements in the 20.10 update.

Beginning with the October 2020 release, as part of the Workforce transfer enhancements, the following changes have been made:

  • With this update, you can now transfer an employee across custom dimensions and entities, in a one-step or two-step transfer. Previously, transfers were allowed for changing jobs and entities only. While transferring an employee from one entity to another entity, you can also select the same or different targets from the custom source. The same applies to transferring headcounts in Job Only models.
  • In the source's transfer year, most of the employee properties, including FTE and Headcount, are cleared out starting in the transfer month. Applicable Union Code, Employee Type, Pay Type, and Status will remain but the Status will show as Transfer Out.
  • If the employee transfer month is after the merit month in the year of transfer, merit rates are copied from the source. For subsequent years in the target entity, merit rates are calculated based on the target rates. When the employee is not active, the recommended merit rate is not populated. If the employee transfer month is before the merit month, merit rates are copied from the target.
  • In the Job Only model, there is a restriction on the number of headcounts that can be transferred or departed based on the headcounts available on the job. This eliminates the need to run a calculate job compensation rule after departing headcounts from the job.
  • Total FTE and Total Headcount are added to the New Hire request form, Employee Properties form, and Manage Existing Employee forms. Alias names for FTE and Headcount are modified to FTE Assumption and Headcount Assumption. FTE Assumption and Headcount Assumption are used for input assumptions to drive calculations. Total FTE and Total Headcount are used for reporting purposes.
  • In the transfer year, earnings, benefits, and taxes paid in the source are considered while applying the target threshold. Computed expense in the source is copied to the transfer year's target as part of the transfer and change job process. After applying the entity defaults to the employee in target, the copied computed expense amount is considered while applying the threshold in the target in the transfer year for the earnings, benefits, and taxes that are the same across source and target. As part of the transfer headcount in Job Only model, computed expense in the source to target is based on the number of headcounts being transferred. This applies to a single-step and two-step transfer and change job actions on the employee in the Employee Only and Employee and Job models and Transfer Headcount action in Job Only model.

Table C-17 October 2020 Update - Workforce Modified Artifacts

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts Obsolete Artifacts
Calculation Manager Templates
  • OWP_Transfer_T
  • OWP_Transfer Out_T
  • OWP_Transfer In_T
  • OWP_Change Job
  • OWP_Assign Target Defaults
  • OWP_Transfer Headcount_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults_T
  • OWP_Calculate Employee Compensation_Te
  • OWP_Plan Departure
  • OWP_Change Existing Details_T
Calculation Manager Rules
  • OWP_Transfer
  • OWP_Transfer Out
  • OWP_Transfer In
  • OWP_Change Job
  • OWP_Transfer Headcount
  • Manage Existing Employees
  • New Hire - Request
  • Employee Properties
  • OWP_Headcount

Alias name changed from FTE to FTE Assumption and HeadCount to HeadCount Assumption.

Member Formula

Account Dimension members:

  • OWP_Earning1:OWP_Earning10
  • OWP_Benefit1:OWP_Benefit10
  • OWP_Tax1:OWP_Tax10

Property Dimension members:



June 2020 Update

The following information describes new and modified artifacts relating to different planning years for Plan and Forecast scenarios in the 20.06 update.

Beginning with the June 2020 release, Workforce forms and rules have been updated to allow different planning years for the Plan and Forecast scenarios. Previously, the Planning and Forecast Preparation configuration task for Workforce set the &OEP_YearRange substitution variable for both Plan and Forecast scenarios for both Modules based on the year range set for the Plan scenario and on the last module saved. References to this substitution variable are being discontinued.

With the June 2020 release, Workforce has updated all business rules and templates to use methods that read the start year and end year from the Planning and Forecast Preparation configuration task separately for each scenario. Forms are modified to display data based on the start and end periods for the scenario using valid intersections. When the update is applied, if you haven't modified these forms and business rules:

  • Predefined business rules and templates are updated.

  • Predefined forms are updated.

Because customized artifacts aren't updated during a new release, if you've customized forms or business rules, note the following.

  • If you’ve modified rules that rely on the &OEP_YearRange substitution variable, update the rules to use these functions (either in Business Rules or Groovy rules):
    • [[PlanningFunctions.getModuleStartYear("Workforce","ScenarioName")]]—Returns start year of given scenario

    • [[PlanningFunctions.getModuleEndYear("Workforce","ScenarioName")]]—Returns end year of given scenario


    Module name and Scenario name must be enclosed in double quotation marks.

  • If you've not modified the OWP_Process Loaded Data_T template but you have modified the OWP_Process Loaded Data rule, OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults_GT template, or the OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Definition_GT template, which are dependent on OWP_Process Loaded Data_T, update these artifacts as follows since Design Time Prompt (DTP) values are now included to support different planning years for the Plan and Forecast scenarios:

    • OWP_Process Loaded Data rule must be updated to set the newly required DTP values at the rule level. To do so, open this rule in Calculation Manager, highlight the "OWP_Process Loaded_T" template object from within the rule (do not open the template itself), select the pencil icon to edit the DTP and update/enter the following information, then save and redeploy the rule.

      • Set DTP Year Range = [[PlanningFunctions.getModuleStartYear("WORKFORCE",{Scenario})]]:[[PlanningFunctions.getModuleEndYear("WORKFORCE",{Scenario})]]

      • Set DTP MODULENAME = "Workforce" (including the double quotes)

    • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Syncronize Defaults_GT and OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Definition_GT templates should be copied or downloaded locally. Restore these artifacts then re-apply your modifications, save, and redeploy these templates.

  • Update custom forms for Workforce to use ILvl0Descendants of "All Years" instead of &OEP_YearRange.


    Ensure the form properties to Suppress Invalid Data for Rows and Suppress Invalid Data for Columns are selected.

Table C-18 June 2020 Update - Workforce Modified and New Artifacts

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts Obsolete Artifacts
Calculation Manager Rules

Updated rules, templates, and forms to allow different planning years for the Plan and Forecast scenarios:

  • OWP_Associate Employee
  • OWP_Change Job
  • OWP_Transfer In
  • OWP_Transfer Out
  • OWP_Transfer
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_Process Loaded Data
  • OWP_Transfer Headcount
  • OWP_Calculate Existing Employee Compensation
  • OWP_Calculate New Hire Compensation
  • OWP_Compensation Data for Reporting

  • OWP_Non Compensation Data for Reporting

  • OWP_Headcount Data for Reporting

  • OWP_Compensation Data to FinStmt

  • OWP_Non Compensation Data to FinStmt

  • OWP_Copy Working to Prior FCST

Run OWP_Copy Working to Prior FCST rule before the current period is changed in the Planning and Forecast Preparation configuration task. This rule makes a backup of the current forecast scenario for all periods, copies data from "OEP_Working" version to "OEP_Prior FCST" version and from scenario Start Year to End Year.


Calculation Manager Templates

Updated all templates to use methods that read the Start Year and End Year:

  • OWP_Add Requisition_GT
  • OWP_Change Requisition_GT
  • OWP_Change Existing Details_GT
  • OWP_Enable Job_GT
  • OWP_Change Salary_GT
  • OWP_Add Requisition_T
  • OWP_Change Existing Details_T
  • OWP_Associate Employee_T
  • OWP_Transfer
  • OWP_Plan Departure_T
  • OWP_Process Loaded Data_T
  • OWP_Transfer Headcount_T
  • OWP_Calculate Employee Compensation_Te
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults_GT
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Definition_GT
  • OWP_Incremental Synchronize Defaults_GT
  • OWP_Incremental Synchronize Definition_GT

OWP_Set Valid Years for Scenario_T

OWP_Synchronize Defaults_T

OWP_Synchronize Definition_T


OWP_Assign Defaults_T

OWP_Assign Defaults AGG_T

OWP_Copy Working to Prior FCST_T

Note: Run OWP_Copy Working to Prior FCST_T rule before the current period is changed. This rule makes a backup of current forecast scenario for all periods.

  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_Assign Compensation_T

Workforce Analysis

  • Compensation Analysis
  • Detailed Compensation Analysis
  • Employee Assignments
  • FTE Requirement by Project
  • Merit Increase Analysis
  • Project Staffing Request - FTE
  • Regular FTE Vs Contractor
  • Review Employee Utilization
  • Review FTE Requirement across Projects
  • Review Headcount and FTE
  • Total Headcount and FTE




Workforce Dashboard Compensation

  • Budget by Compensation Category
  • FTE Trend
  • Headcount Trend
  • New Employee Expenses Trend
  • New Hire Trend
  • Total Employee Compensation
  • Total Existing Expenses Trend

  • Total Non Compensation Expenses by Job
  • Total Non Compensation Expenses




Workforce - Plan Sheets - Compensation

  • Employee Additional Earnings
  • Employee Benefits
  • Employee Properties
  • Employee Salary
  • Employee Taxes
  • Headcount Trends
  • Identify Invalid Data_JO
  • Identify Invalid Data
  • Job Properties
  • Manage Existing Employees
  • Manage Existing Jobs
  • New Hire Request
  • Process Data and Synchronize Defaults_JO
  • Process Data and Synchronize Defaults
  • Process Data and Synchronize Definition_JO
  • Process Data and Synchronize Definition
  • Reconcile Employee Transfer
  • Review Existing Employees by Job
  • Review Pending Transfer
  • Synchronize Defaults
  • Synchronize Definition




Workforce Dashboard Demographics

  • Workforce Expenses by AgeBand
  • Workforce Expenses by Gender
  • Worforce Expenses by Higher Education Level
  • Workforce Expenses by Skill Set




Workforce Plan Sheets Administration

  • Set Workforce Assumptions_JO
  • Set Workforce Assumptions
  • Standard Rate Assumptions




Workforce Assumptions

  • Merit Rates
  • Rate Table
  • Rate Table - Simple
  • Rate Table - Threshold
  • Salary Grades







Member Formula

OWP_Basic Salary



February 2020 Update

The following information describes new and modified artifacts relating to support for the new Start Date property in the 20.02 update.

Table C-19 February 2020 Update - Workforce Modified and New Artifacts

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts Obsolete Artifacts
Calculation Manager and Groovy Templates and Rules

All Calculation Manager and Groovy templates and rules in the Workforce OEP_WFP cube have been updated to accommodate Start Date.

Tip: You can modify any obsolete rules that you are still using to take advantage of Start Date.

1X Populate New Properties

Note to updating customers: Immediately after updating the February 2020 content, you must run the new rule 1X Populate New Properties to convert existing Start Month data to the Start Date account. Run this rule only once for each Scenario and Version combination with data, immediately after updating content. Specify only Scenario and Version combinations whose data you want to recalculate. For example, you may not want to recalculate historical data.

NOTE: If you don’t run this rule immediately after updating, the consequence of running any rules is the possibility of losing some data. If you inadvertently run rules before running 1X Populate New Properties, run 1X - Populate New Properties and then rerun the rules that you previously ran.

For optimum performance, before running 1x Populate New Properties, change the FIX Parallel dimension to use the dimension that is appropriate to parallelize the process by moving the dimension from FIX statement to FIX Parallel and move the entity member selection to FIX statement in the place of the dimension that's moved to FIX Parallel statement. This change needs to be made in OWP_Populate New Properties_T template in Calculation Manager. Save the changes and then deploy the OWP_Populate New Properties rule.


Account Members


  • OWP_Start Date
  • TP-EndDate
  • TP-Days


Member Formulas

All member formulas that calculate salaries have been updated:

  • Accounts:

    • Basic Salary
    • Earning 1 through Earning 10
    • Benefit 1 through Benefit 10
    • Tax 1 through Tax 10
  • CYTD (Prior)




Updated to include a Start Date column:

  • Employee Properties
  • Manage Existing Employees
  • New Hire - Request
  • Process Data and Synchronize Defaults
  • Process Data and Synchronize Definition
  • Job Properties
  • Manage Existing Jobs
  • Process Data and Synchronize Defaults_JO
  • Process Data and Synchronize Definition_JO



Data Load Templates

Updated to replace Start Month column with Start Date:

  • EJ_EmployeePropertiesDataLoad_Plan
  • EO_EmployeePropertiesDataLoad_Plan
  • JO_JobPropertiesDataLoad_Plan



June 2019 Update

The following information describes modified artifacts resulting from a fixed defect in the 19.06 update.

Table C-20 June 2019 Update - Workforce Modified Artifacts

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts Obsolete Artifacts
Templates OWP_Assign Compensation Defaults NA NA
Groovy Templates
  • OWP_Add Requisition_GT
  • OWP_Change Requisition_GT
  • OWP_Change Existing Details_GT

May 2019 Update

The following information describes new and modified artifacts related to the enhancements in the May 2019 update.

Table C-21 May 2019 Update - Workforce Enhancements

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts Obsolete Artifacts
Calculation Manager Rules
  • Synchronize Defaults
  • Synchronize Definition
  • Process Loaded Data
  • Change Job
  • Transfer In
  • Transfer Out
  • Transfer
  • Associate Employee
  • Calculate Existing Employee Compensation
  • Calculate New Hire Compensation

Copy Compensation Details from BegBalance to Periods

Note to updating customers: Run the rule 1 X Copy Compensation Details from BegBalance to Periods one time immediately after updating the May 2019 content to copy compensation details from BegBalance to all periods.

  • Change Employee Status
  • Add Job
Calculation Manager Templates
  • Synchronize Defaults
  • Synchronize Definition
  • Process Loaded Data_T
  • Change Job
  • Assign Compensation_T
  • Assign Target Defaults
  • Calculate Employee Compensation_Te
  • Transfer Out_T
  • Associate Employee
  • Enable Job_T
  • Change Existing Details_T
  • Change Requisition_T
  • Add Job_T
  • Change Employee Status_T
  • Assign Compensation Defaults
Groovy Rules
  • Incremental Synchronize Defaults
  • Incremental Synchronize Definition
  • Incremental Process Data and Synchronize Definition
  • Incremental Process Data and Synchronize Defaults
Groovy Templates
  • Add Requisition_GT
  • Change Requisition_GT
  • Incremental Synchronize Defaults_GT
  • Incremental Synchronize Definition_GT
  • Incremental Process Data and Synchronize Definition_GT
  • Incremental Process Data and Synchronize Defaults_GT
  • Enable Job_GT
  • Change Salary_GT
  • Change Existing Details_GT
  • Employee Properties
  • Job Properties
  • Identify Invalid Data
  • Process Data and Synchronize Definition

Existing Actions

  • Employee Actions
  • Job Actions
Member Formulas

OWP_Basic Salary

Smart Lists NA Employee Options NA

February 2019 Update

The following information describes new and modified artifacts related to the incremental data load functionality in the February 2019 update.

Table C-22 February 2019 Update - Enhancements Related to Incremental Data Load

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts Obsolete Artifacts
Calculation Manager Rules NA NA NA
Calculation Manager Templates
  • OWP_Process Loaded Data_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Fix Parallel_T
Groovy Rules NA
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_Incremental Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Incremental Synchronize Definition
Groovy Templates NA
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Defaults_GT
  • OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Definition_GT
  • OWP_Incremental Synchronize Defaults_GT
  • OWP_Incremental Synchronize Definition_GT
Forms NA
  • Process Data and Synchronize Defaults
  • Process Data and Synchronize Definition
  • Synchronize Defaults
  • Synchronize Definition
Vertical Tab NA Mass Update NA
Horizontal Tabs NA
  • Process Data and Synchronize Defaults
  • Process Updated Data
  • Synchronize Defaults
  • Synchronize Definitions
Data Import Templates
  • EJ_EmployeePropertiesDataLoad_Plan
  • EO_EmployeePropertiesDataLoad_Plan

November 2018 Update

The following information describes new and modified artifacts related to the performance enhancements in the Add Hiring Requisition rule in the November 2018 update.

Table C-23 November 2018 Update - Enhancements Related to Add Hiring Requisition Rule Performance

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts Obsolete Artifacts
Calculation Manager Rules Add Requisition_GT NA NA
Calculation Manager Templates
  • OWP_Add Requisition_T
  • OWP_Assign Compensation_T

September 2018 Update

The following information describes new and modified artifacts related to the performance enhancements in the September 2018 update.

Table C-24 September 2018 Update - Enhancements Related to Performance Improvements

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts Obsolete Artifacts
Calculation Manager Rules
  • OWP_Process Loaded Data
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_Plan Departure
Calculation Manager Templates
  • OWP_Process Loaded Data_T
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Add Requisition_T
  • OWP_Assign Compensation_T
  • OWP_Plan Departure_T

OWP_Fix Parallel_T

Members OWP_Utilization NA NA

July 2018 Update

The following information describes new and modified artifacts in the July 2018 update.

Table C-25 July 2018 - Enhancements Related to Add Requisition

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts Obsolete Artifacts
Calculation Manager Rules NA
  • OWP_Add Requisition_GT
  • OWP_Change Requisition_GT
  • OWP_Add TBH
  • OWP_ChangeHiringRequisitionStatus
Calculation Manager Templates NA
  • OWP_Add Requisition_T
  • OWP_Assign Compensation_T
  • OWP_Change Requisition_T
  • OWP_Add TBH_T
  • OWP_ChangeHiringRequisitionStatus_T
Smart Lists OWP_Status
  • OWP_Salary Options
  • OWP_Requisition Options
  • New Hire Actions Menu Item-Add Hiring Requisition
  • Change Requisition Status

July 2018 Update - Enhancements Related to Benefits and Tax Wizard Calculations

Artifact Type Modified Artifacts New Artifacts Obsolete Artifacts
Calculation Manager Rules
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_ Process Loaded Data
  • OWP_Transfer
  • OWP_Transfer In
  • OWP_Change Job
  • OWP_Associate Employee
  • OWP_Copy Rates Across Entities
  • OWP_Copy Rates to Months
  • OWP_Copy Rates from Periodicities
  • OWP_Copy Rates Across Years
Calculation Manager Templates
  • OWP_Synchronize Defaults
  • OWP_Synchronize Definition
  • OWP_ Assign Compensation Defaults
  • OWP_ Assign Target Defaults
  • OWP_Copy Rates Across Entities
  • OWP_Copy Rates to Months
  • OWP_Copy Rates from Periodicities
  • OWP_Copy Rates Across Years
  • OWP_Check Rates Availability at Months_T
  • All ten base accounts under each parent: OWP_Total Earnings, OWP_Total Benefits, and OWP_Total Taxes
  • Provided children of OWP_Tiers and OWP_Options in the OEP_WFSC cube are now set to a Time Balance Property of Balance. The Time Balance property of custom members added under parent members OWP_Options and OWP_tiers should also be changed to Balance.
In the Property dimension:
  • OWP_Custom Expense
  • OWP_One Time Pay
Smart Lists OWP_Payment Frequency
  • OWP_Component Type
  • OWP_One Time Pay
  • Rate Table
  • Rate Table - Simple
  • Rate Table - Threshold
Menus NA OWP_Copy Rates NA
Data Load Templates
  • EJ_Earnings,Benefits and Taxes-Properties
  • EO_Earnings,Benefits and Taxes-Properties
  • JO_Earnings,Benefits and Taxes-Properties
  • EJ_Earnings,Benefits and Taxes -Rates
  • EO_Earnings,Benefits and Taxes -Rates
  • JO_Earnings,Benefits and Taxes -Rates