Adding Languages and Defining Localized Artifact Labels

Service Administrators can add a language for a given artifact to the Artifact Labels grid from a list of supported languages. You can select only one language at a time. When you add a language, a new column for that language is added to the grid to the right of the Default column. The cells in the language-specific column are editable.


Use this method to add labels directly in the artifact labels grid. This method is ideal if you only need to add or update a few labels at a time. For bulk changes or edits on artifact labels; for example, terminology changes that affect multiple labels, use the export feature to edit in Excel, then import. See Exporting and Importing Artifact Labels for Editing.

To add a language:

  1. Click Tools, and then click Artifact Labels.
  2. Click filter icon (Filter), and then select the artifacts you want to work with. For some artifacts, you can further filter by property type.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Click Add Language.
  5. Select from the list of supported languages.
  6. In the language-specific column, enter artifact labels into the editable cells for each artifact property (Name, Description, and so on).


    Using Ctrl+C (Copy) and Ctrl+V (Paste) are not supported in the artifact labels grid.

  7. Click Save.


When you define a localized artifact label for the Default navigation flow (for example, editing the name of an icon on the Home page), your update will automatically propagate to all navigation flows. However, if you define a localized artifact label for another navigation flow that isn't the Default flow, then that update will override the label coming from the Default flow.