Viewing Audit Details

You can view and export up to 180 days of audit details in the business process interface.

To view audit details:

  1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then click Audit.

    If auditing is enabled, by default the Audit page displays the audit records for Data tasks for the Last 7 Days. To enable auditing, see Enabling Audit Tracking.

  2. To filter, click Filter icon (Filter), and select filter criteria:
    • Audit Types: Select one or more, or All.

      For a list of audit types and descriptions, see Auditing Overview.

    • Date Range: Select Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 60 Days, or Last 180 Days.


      • You can't select a date range prior to 180 days from today. The date range you select must occur between today and 180 days prior to today (including today).

      • The business process retains up to 365 days of audit details from the current system date. To export more than 180 days of audit details, you can use the EPM Automate exportAppAudit command or the REST API Export Audit job. See Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud or REST API for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.

    • User Name: Enter a user name or click Search icon (Search) to search for the user.

  3. When you're done selecting filter criteria, click Apply.

    The grid displays the first 200 records from the audit table that match the filter criteria. You can view a legend at the bottom of the table if the filter criteria has more than 200 records in it.

  4. To export the audit information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click Export, and follow the download instructions.

    When you select the Export option, the system exports all of the records matching the filter criteria to an xlsx file (format for Microsoft Excel versions 2007 and later).


If data auditing is enabled, users can see what data has changed by selecting Actions, and then Change History.