Creating, Editing, and Deleting Scenarios

To create, edit, or delete scenarios:

  1. From the Home page, click Application, and then click Overview.
  2. Click Dimensions, click the Scenario dimension, and then click the Edit Member Properties tab.
  3. Choose an action:
    • To create a scenario, click Add Child icon, and then go to step 4.

    • To delete a scenario, select the scenario to delete, then click Delete icon, and then confirm the deletion.


      When you delete scenarios, all approval units that use the scenario (including data) are deleted. You can't delete scenarios used in approval units that are started, or assigned to an axis on a form. You must first remove references to scenarios from forms and assign different scenarios.

    • To edit a scenario, click within the grid cells in the Edit Member Properties grid to edit text or to view a drop-down menu from which you can choose member properties. Go to step 4.


      Each column in the grid represents a member property. The columns that initially display on the grid will differ based on which dimension type you're editing. You can customize the layout of columns in the grid by hiding, unhiding, or resizing columns.

      To display the complete set of properties (all columns) on the grid, click Select Columns icon, select Select All, and then click OK.

      See Working in the Edit Member Properties Grid.

  4. In the Member Name column, enter a name for the scenario.
  5. In the Start Yr., End Yr., Start Period, and End Period columns, define the time periods to associate with the scenario.
  6. You can also perform these optional steps:
    • In the Description column, enter a description for the scenario.

    • To update the alias, select one of the Alias Table columns (choose default or a language) to associate with the scenario, and enter an alias name.

    • In the Beg.Bal. as Time Period column, specify whether to include the BegBalance time period in this scenario for currency conversion.

    • In the Exchange Rate Table, select an exchange rate table to associate with the scenario.


      If an application uses multiple currencies, associate a scenario with an exchange rate table to enable currency conversions.

    • In the Enabled for Approvals column, specify whether to include this scenario in approvals.

  7. Click Save.