Editing Forms

You can edit the layout, members, and properties of forms. For example, you can add formula rows or columns to a form.


Previously, you could create composite forms (forms that comprise multiple simple forms) to summarize data. Oracle has stopped supporting composite forms. However your existing composite forms will continue to work. Oracle recommends that you shift your usage to dashboards instead of composite forms.

See Designing Dashboards.

To edit forms:

  1. Select the form, then click Edit icon (see Selecting and Opening Forms and Folders).

    Alternatively, on the Home page, you can click Data. Expand a form folder, click the name of a form to open it, click Actions, and then select Edit.

  2. Select:

    1. Properties to edit the description and instructions. See Creating Forms.

    2. Layout to edit form layout. See Defining the Layout.

    3. Other Options to edit form precision, change the context menus associated with the form, enable/disable dynamic user variables, and select user variables. See Setting Form Precision and Other Options.

      See also, Administering Action Menus and Dynamically Setting User Variables.

    4. Business Rules to change which business rules are associated with the form, or modify business rule properties.

      See Administering Rules.

  3. Choose an option:

    • To save your work, click Save.

    • To save a variant of a form with a new name, click Save As, enter a New Form Name, and then click OK. The updated form with the new name is added to the form list and the newly named form opens in a new dynamic tab.