Refreshing Application Databases

Refresh the database after changing the application structure, and modifying artifacts such as dimensions and members.

The application database stores data for each cube in the application. You can start the Refresh Database process right away or schedule it to run later as a job.

To refresh the database:

  1. See Before Refreshing the Database.
  2. Click Application, and then click Overview.
  3. Click Actions, and then Refresh Database.
  4. On the Refresh Database page, click Create, and then select from the following options:

    Before Refresh Database

    • Enable use of the application for: Lets All users or Administrators (or the current logged in Service Administrator) access the application in administration mode during the refresh

    • Log off all users: Logs off all application users before starting the refresh

    • Stop all active requests: Terminates any active requests in the Essbase application before starting the refresh

    After Refresh Database

    • Enable Use of the Application for: Lets All users or Administrators use the application after the refresh

    • Validate Metadata: By default, this option is not selected. When this option is selected, the system scans for member identity (ID) mismatches between the business process and Oracle Essbase and then automatically resolves them after the refresh process. Selecting Validate Metadata might add additional time to the refresh process. For more information, see Validating Metadata.


      For the first cube refresh after upgrading from non-hybrid to Hybrid Essbase, enable the Validate Metadata option (either immediately or later as a scheduled job). For examples of potential errors during validation and how to address them, see Validating the Essbase Outline in Getting Started with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for Administrators.

      The Validate Metadata option is available for cubes with these storage options running on the Oracle Essbase version that supports Hybrid Block Storage Option (BSO) cubes: Hybrid BSO, ASO, and BSO. This option is not available for cubes running on the legacy Essbase version that does not support Hybrid BSO cubes.

  5. To refresh the database now, click Refresh Database. To run the refresh later as a job, click Save as Job. All of the options you've selected on the Refresh Database page, including Validate Metadata, will persist to the saved job. See Managing Jobs.


    To streamline the job creation process for subsequent Refresh Database jobs, you can duplicate an existing job using the Save As option, then update it. See Duplicating Jobs.


For help with troubleshooting database refresh issues, see Troubleshooting Database Refresh Issues in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Operations Guide.

If your system detects Essbase outline pre-validation errors during database refresh, see Validating the Essbase Outline.