Setting Dimension Properties

You can specify dimension display properties such as if to display the member names or aliases, and whether to permit users to view member formulas. These properties apply to row, column, page, and point of view dimensions.

To set dimension properties:

  1. Open the form, and then click Layout.
  2. Click in a point of view, page, row, or column dimension, then under Dimension Properties apply properties such as:

    Table 24-16 Dimension Properties

    Property Description

    Apply to all row | column | page dimensions

    Apply properties to all row, column, or page dimensions

    Apply to all POV dimensions

    Apply properties to all point of view dimensions

    Start expanded

    For row or column dimensions: Expand and display the dimension member list.

    Enable custom attributes

    For row or column dimensions in Forms 1.0 only: Use custom attributes.

    Drill on shared members

    For row or column dimensions: Enable drilling on shared members when the shared member is on a parent member for the main hierarchy.

    Flex beyond form definition

    For row and column dimensions in flex forms: Select to allow Oracle Smart View for Office users to add row or column members that are not included as part of the form definition.

    Enable this option on a per-row or per-column basis.

    You may also select Apply to all row dimensions, but note that all selected properties in the current row dimension will be applied to all row dimensions in the form.

    This option is displayed only when Enable flex form for rows or Enable flex form for columns, or both, is selected in the Smart View Options section of the form definition (see Setting Smart View Form Options).

    Row Width

    For row dimensions: Select from the following column sizing options:

    • Small: 50px

    • Medium: 100px

    • Large: 300px

    • Size-to-Fit (default): Column will expand to fit content

    • Custom: Specify the number of pixels

    Note that this setting is retained if the form is viewed on its own or within a dashboard.

  3. Click Save to continue, or Finish to save and close the form.