Setting Properties for Ad Hoc Grids

You can control the display and behavior of ad hoc grids by setting your preferences using the Property Panel.

Setting General Ad Hoc Properties

To set general ad hoc options:

  1. In an ad hoc grid, click the Property Panel icon Property Panel icon, and then click General.
  2. Under Grid, set these options:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Cube
    • For Display Member Label, choose from the following options:
      • Distinct Member Name Only
      • Member Name Or Alias
    • Alias Table

Setting Ad Hoc User Options

To set ad hoc user options:

  1. In an ad hoc grid, click the Property Panel icon Property Panel icon, and then click Adhoc Options.
  2. Under Grid, set how members are displayed:
    • Member Inclusion:
      • Include Selection: Select Yes to display both the selected member and the members retrieved as a result of the operation. For example, zooming in on the selected member Qtr1 displays data for Qtr1, Jan, Feb, and Mar.
      • Within Selected Group: Select Yes to perform an operation such as Zoom only on the selected group of members, leaving unselected cells as is. This setting is meaningful only when there are two or more dimensions down the grid as rows or across the grid as columns. This option pertains to Zoom, Keep Only, and Remove Only.
    • Zoom in: Select the level at which to zoom in:
      • Next Level: Get data for the children of the selected members.
      • All Levels: Get data for all descendants of the selected members.
      • Bottom Level : Get data for the lowest level of members in a dimension.
    • Ancestor Position: Set how to display ancestors in the hierarchy:
      • Top: Display member hierarchies from highest to lowest level.
      • Bottom: Display member hierarchies from lowest to highest level.
    • Indentation: Set how member hierarchy levels are indented:
      • None: Do not indent members.
      • Subitems: Indent descendants. Ancestors are left-justified in the column.
      • Totals: Indent ancestors. Descendants are left-justified in the column.
    • Navigate without refreshing data: Selecting No improves performance as you navigate around the grid, for example pivoting and zooming. Just click Refresh when you want to update the data. (If you select Yes for this option, data is refreshed as you work in ad hoc.)
  3. Under Suppression, to simplify your view of the data, select options to suppress elements of the grid. For example, you can hide rows or columns with zero values.
    • Zero Values:
      • None: Select to display rows and columns that contain only zeros.
      • Row: Select to hide rows containing only zeros.
      • Column: Select to hide columns containing only zeros.
      • Row and Column: Select to hide rows and columns containing only zeros.
    • Repeated Members: Select Yes to hide rows that contain repeated member names, regardless of the grid orientation.
    • Missing Data: Select to hide rows or columns with zeros or that have no data:
      • None: Display rows and columns with zeros or that have no data.
      • Row: Hide rows with zeros or that have no data.
      • Column: Hide columns with zeros or that have no data.
      • Row & Column: Hide rows and columns with zeros or that have no data.
    • Missing Blocks on Rows: Select Yes to hide blocks of cells in rows that have no data.
    • No Access: Select to hide rows or columns that you don't have access to:
      • None: Display rows and columns that you don't have access to.
      • Row: Hide rows that you don't have access to.
      • Column: Hide columns that you don't have access to.
      • Row & Column: Hide rows and columns that you don't have access to.


    When trying to open an ad hoc grid, if you see the "Ad hoc grid cannot be opened as there are no valid rows of data" error, clear the Suppression options.
  4. Under Precision Values, set the minimum and maximum number of decimal positions to display in a cell for the Currency values, Non-currency values, and Percentage values. For example, if the cell value is 100, and you select the Minimum precision "2", the value displays as "100.00". If you select a Maximum precision of "3 " and the cell value is 100.12345, the value displays as "100.123". Select Use Currency member precision to apply the precision setting of the Currency member.
  5. Under Replacement, set labels to display for cells that are missing data, cells that you don't have access permission to view, or cells that have invalid data:
    • No Data: Enter the text that you want displayed for cells that have #Missing or #NoData as their value.
    • No Access: Enter the text that you want displayed for cells that you don't have access to.
    • Submit Zeros: Select Yes if you specified #NumericZero as the text for the No Data or No Access replacement option and you want to submit zeros to the application.
  6. Click Refresh.

Setting Layout Options

You can use the Layout tab to remove attributes that are used within the ad hoc grid. This is the only place where attributes can be removed from the grid.

To set layout options for ad hoc grids:

  1. In an ad hoc grid, click the Property Panel icon Property Panel icon, and then Layout.
  2. See Pivoting Dimensions.