Creating and Using Sandboxes

To create a sandbox:

  1. From within a form, click Create Sandbox icon (Create Sandbox) on the far right.


    • When you open a form, the form displays the Version-enabled members in the POV.

    • The names of the sandboxes that you created display in boxes in the POV. To switch to another sandbox, click its name.

    • Only you (and administrators) can see the data that you add or change in a sandbox until you publish it.

  2. Enter a unique name.

    The sandbox name displays in bold in the POV.

  3. In the sandbox, build your plan or perform your analyses.
    • If you change the data in a cell and then click out of that cell, the cell background turns pale yellow. When you click Save to save the data in the sandbox, the yellow background turns pale pink.

    • Clicking Refresh loads data from the last saved state. If other people are simultaneously changing data that displays in the current form, you can get the latest data from the base view by clicking Refresh.

    • You can switch to other forms or ad hoc grids from the same sandbox.

    • You can compare sandbox data against the base view data or the data in another sandbox. See Comparing Sandbox Data to Other Data.

    • You can launch the Calculate Form and Calculate Currencies business rules.

  4. To leave the sandbox without publishing its data and return to the base view of the form, click the base version, for example, Working.

    You can also switch to another sandbox by clicking its name in the POV at the top of the form.

  5. When you're ready to include your plan in all calculations, and to have others see it, publish its data.


You can delete a sandbox if you don't need it anymore and don't intend to publish its data. To do so, click x to the right of the sandbox name.