Setting the Chart Legend

Legend properties affect the visual display of the chart's legend.

You can change the position of the legend, as well as display a title for the legend, change the background and border colors, and edit the font and format of chart labels.

For a Combination chart, the Legend tab contains one new column named Type. You can select the type for each configured legend (series). For example, Type = Bar for one legend and Type = Line for the other.

To define the chart legend:

  1. Open the Legend tab of the Edit Chart dialog.
  2. In Legend Position, select the position of the data labels in relation to the elements in a chart.

    The available options are No Legend, Left, Right, Top, or Bottom.

  3. In Palette, select the color palette used when displaying the chart view.
  4. In the Series table, one row is displayed for each legend specified in the Layout tab.

    For each data set:

    • In the Label, enter the label that must be displayed for this data series in the chart.
    • Select Dual-Y for the data series that must be displayed on the secondary Y axis.
  5. Click OK to save the chart view settings.