
This 20-minute tutorial shows you how to navigate to the Cloud EPM Reports solution, migrate reports from Financial Reporting, learn about designing reports, and run reports. The sections build on each other and should be completed sequentially.


With the Cloud EPM Platform Reporting solution, you can design reports with images, textboxes, charts, and grids. Insert formulas to calculate grid values and text functions to dynamically retrieve report and grid metadata. Apply robust reporting features such zooming into levels, conditional formatting, and so on.

Reports can be either dynamic, where you can select members, or a snapshot where the members are already selected. You can save an ad hoc grid as a report so that it is available to run in the future. View summaries of key data for your organization. You can view and interact with reports that have been shared with you by report designers.

The user interface is similar between business processes. Reports is embedded in each business process, with single instance reporting. You cannot point to other EPM Cloud instances. Data Sources are automatically created based on the EPM Cloud application cubes that are on the instance.

Reports, security, and POV selections are managed by the EPM Cloud platform. Reports are stored in the EPM Cloud repository.

Reports, books, and bursting definitions can be moved between environments using the EPM Cloud Lifecycle Management.

Scheduling for bursting definitions is done via the EPM Cloud platform Job Scheduler.

In this tutorial, you navigate to the Cloud EPM Reports solution, migrate reports from Financial Reporting, learn about designing reports, and run reports.


Cloud EPM Hands-on Tutorials may require you to import a snapshot into your Cloud EPM Enterprise Service instance. Before you can import a tutorial snapshot, you must request another Cloud EPM Enterprise Service instance or remove your current application and business process. The tutorial snapshot will not import over your existing application or business process, nor will it automatically replace or restore the application or business process you are currently working with.

Before starting this tutorial, you must:

  • Have Service Administrator access to a Cloud EPM Enterprise Service instance.
  • Have the Planning sample application (Vision) created in your instance.

Navigating to Reports

In Planning, reports are managed on the first tab in the Reports card.

  1. On the home page, click Reports.
    Planning home page

    Reports is opened and displayed on the first vertical tab.

  2. Review the contents of the Reports tab.

    Reports are organized in folders. You can import reports from Financial Reporting, refresh the contents of the page, and create Reports with Report Designer, books, and bursting definitions.

    Reports tab

Migrating Reports from Financial Reporting

You can migrate reports created in Financial Reporting to Reports.

When migrating, the system converts as many elements of the original report into the Reports equivalent as possible. However, there are differences between the two solutions, and not all elements exist in both solutions. You may have to modify certain elements after the report has been migrated to produce a report that is equivalent to the original report.


The estimated timing for the removal of Financial Reporting in Cloud EPM is being extended to June 2025. Cloud EPM Reports replaces Financial Reporting. For more information, please visit the announcement in the EPM Resource Center on Customer Connect or refer to the Statement of Direction for Oracle Financial Reporting: Oracle Support Document 2910806.1 (EPM Cloud Financial Reporting Statement of Direction).

Review the differences between Financial Reporting and Reports in the Designing with Reports for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud documentation.
  1. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Financial Reports (Financial Reports).
    FR tab
  2. In Financial Reports, under Home, expand Vision, and then Forecast Reports.
    Expanding folders

    You can migrate individual reports or migrate all reports.

    Financial Reports
  3. On the upper right, click Migrate All.
  4. In Migrate All, click Library.
    Migrate All dialog
  5. At the information message, click OK.

    You can track the migration process in Jobs.

    Information message
  6. Click Navigator (Navigator), and under Application, click Jobs.
    Navigate to Jobs
  7. In Jobs, locate the Migrate Reports job and verify that it completed.
    Migrate Reports job
  8. Click Navigator (Navigator) and then Reports.
    Navigate to Reports
  9. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Reports (Reports).
  10. In Reports, review the imported reports.
    Expand Vision
  11. On the upper right, click Tree View(Tree View).
  12. Scroll down, then locate and expand Vision.

    Imported reports are located under Vision.

    Expand Vision

Designing Reports Overview

Before designing a report, consider the following:

  • What is the goal of the report?
  • Who are the end users of the report?
  • How frequently is the report generated and by how many users?
  • If the report is going to be inserted into a report package, which grids and charts will be needed for that report package?
  • What data sources will you need to connect to?

Design Reports by using report components, report objects, and grid components.

Report Components

  • Header—An area where you can display text on the top of each page of a report. You can also add images to a header.
  • Report Body—The main area of the report where you can insert and display grids, charts, images and text boxes.
  • Footer—An area where you can display text on the bottom of each printed page of a report. You can also add images to a footer.

Report Objects

  • Grid—A report object in which you retrieve data in the rows and columns.
  • Chart—A report object that displays data from a grid. Charts are graphical representations of the data in a grid.
  • Text Box—A report object that can contain text, or functions that retrieve data such as report settings, data values, point of view (POV) values, or dimension members.
  • Image—A report object that contains a graphic or an image file. You can add images to the body of the report and to a header or footer.

Grid Components

  • Row—A horizontal display of information in a grid. A row can contain text, data, or derived data from a calculation. You can format individual rows in grids.
  • Column—A vertical display of information in a grid. A column can contain text, data, or derived data from a calculation. You can format individual columns in grids.
  • Cell—An intersection of a row, column, page, and Point of View (POV) for a grid. You can format individual cells in a grid.

Learn more about designing reports by viewing video tutorials:

Reporting in the new Cloud EPM Platform

Running Reports

When you run a report, you can select either HTML or PDF. You may be prompted to select a Point of View to provide a frame of reference for the data. You also can export reports to Excel.
  1. In Reports, under Vision, expand Plan Reports.
    Plan Reports
  2. Locate Account Summary Report.
    Income Statement - Monthly
  3. For Account Summary Report, under the Report Format column, click HTML (HTML).
    Open in HTML
  4. When the report is displayed in runtime, click Report Actions (Report Actions) and verify that HTML is selected.
    Report Actions
  5. Use the scroll bars to view the contents of the report.
  6. Click Report Actions (Report Actions) and select PDF.
    Report Actions

    The report is opened in PDF view.

    PDF View
  7. Click Report Actions (Report Actions) and select Excel.
    Report Actions

    It takes a moment to export the report in Excel format.

    Excel format
  8. When prompted, navigate to where you want to save the file locally. Rename or accept the default file name. Then, click Save.

    You can now open the report in Excel.

    Excel sample
  9. If you opened your file in Excel, return to the Account Summary Report in Planning and click Close.

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