Approve External Purchase Prices

Application administrators can use the External Purchase Prices Approval workflow to approve or reject external purchase prices or change orders and configure appropriate approval rules based on the external purchase price attributes.

The external purchase prices and change orders are automatically routed through approval on import, and the approvers selected through the approval rules are notified. The external purchase prices or change orders can't be updated if the status is Pending Approval.

On rejection by any of the approvers, the external purchase prices or the change orders are moved to the Rejected status. BPM Administrators can withdraw an external purchase price or change order from the approval workflow. On withdrawal, the external purchase price or the change order is moved to the Withdrawn status. To cancel the external purchase price or change order in the Rejected or Withdrawn status, you must have the Manage External Purchase Prices (SCH_MANAGE_EXTERNAL_PURCHASE_PRICES_PRIV) privilege. You can also opt to cancel one or more lines that are the reason for rejection or withdrawal and resubmit the external purchase price or change order for approval. See .

The external purchase prices in the Rejected or Withdrawn status and those external purchase prices and change orders that are in Pending Approval status for more than a preselected time period are also shown as exceptions. You can set this time period in the Manage External Purchase Prices Lookups page.

Monitor and Troubleshoot Approval Exceptions from the Transaction Console

You can manage external purchase price approval transactions from the Transaction Console work area, Transaction Manager: Transactions page. The transaction status and your roles determine which transaction details are visible to you, and the actions that you can take.

Here are some of the things you can do:

  • View the approval history for transactions that are completed or in progress. You can see the approval status from all approvers, and the current assignee if any.
  • Download and review diagnostic logs for transactions with errors. For example, you can see the conditions in the approval rules that might have caused the error.
  • Reassign or recover the transaction depending on what's going on with the transaction and what roles you have.