Automation Errors

If an automated transaction fails to process as expected, such as during the automatic assignment of qualifications to suppliers at the conclusion of supplier registration, an error is registered for your attention.

If this happens, you can track and manage any errors by viewing the Manage Automation Errors page.

To make your qualification process more automated, you can create rule sets to use automatically when certain supplier-related events occur. These events include:

  • When the supplier registers

  • When the supplier's registration is approved

  • When the supplier is promoted to spend authorized, Supplier Promotion

You can create rule sets that tell the application what qualification-related actions to take when one of these events occur. For example, the application can generate a questionnaire to send to the supplier when the supplier submits a registration request.

If an automated transaction fails to process as expected, such as during the automatic assignment of qualifications to suppliers at the conclusion of supplier registration, an error is registered for your attention. If this happens, you can track and manage any errors by viewing the Manage Automation Errors page.

View Automation Errors

On the Supplier Qualification work area, the Automation Errors infolet shows you how many errors have occurred in the last 30 days. You can click on the number to view the Manage Automation Errors page. This page has a table containing an entry for each error that has occurred during automatic initiative creation, automatic qualification creation, and automatic requalification of suppliers.

The requalification process will automatically archive errors from the previous requalification run that are no longer applicable, enabling you to focus on relevant issues from the latest run.

You can view the list of errors and see detailed information. You can search on various attributes like supplier, date, event, Procurement BU, or process. The table displays the type of error and its cause. It also shows you a recommended action to take to correct the problem. You can then correct set-up errors or process the transactions manually as needed.

After you have corrected an error, you can store the correction by archiving it. Once you have archived a corrected error, it does not show up in any search results. Until you highlight an error, the Archive is disabled. If you want to archive an issue, you can highlight the error and click Archive. You can select a single error or archive multiple errors at the same time. The archived column in the search results table indicates whether the error is archived.

To view archived errors, on the Manage Automation Errors page, click Show Filters. The page displays again, and you can select a date from the date picker for Error Date From. Click the Archived check box and then click Search.

Correcting Automation Errors

The Manage Automation Errors page provides a single location from which you can both view and correct any errors.

The Error Reason and Error Description fields describe the error and what is causing it. The Recommended Action area provides links to setup jobs and transactions. You can use the setup jobs link to run the setup task where you can correct any rule set errors. You can use the transaction link to rerun the transaction that received the error once the setup definition is corrected.