Create Default information Rule Sets

You can define information to be used by default by the application when generating a questionnaire, specifically instruction text on how to use the questionnaire. You can define a different set of instructions for each event:

  • Registration request submission.

  • Registration request approval

  • Business relationship upgrade

Use the following procedure to create a default information rule set.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area use the Manage Supplier Qualification Rule Sets task:

    • Offering: Procurement

    • Functional Area: Supplier Qualification

    • Task: Manage Supplier Qualification Rule Sets

    In the Manage Rule Sets page go to Create Rule Set page.

  2. Give your new rule set a name. You can optionally give your rule set a description.

  3. Associate your rule set with a Procurement BU. Note that you can associate your rule set with more than one BU.

  4. In Assignment Rules, click the add icon (the plus sign). You use assignment rules to specify the default owner (required) and internal responder (optional) for every BU and event combination.

  5. Select the event to which this rule set applies. You can associate a rule set with an event: registration request submission, registration approval, business relationship upgrade, or requalification.

  6. You can optionally identify an owner for the for the qualifications and initiatives generated by this rule set when the specified event occurs for the BU. Your name appears by default in the select list, but you can search and assign the rule set to a different owner.

  7. You can identify a responder to respond to internal questionnaires that will be sent by the automatic initiative creation process.

  8. You can define all the questionnaire introduction text for the different questionnaires.

  9. You can share attachments at the questionnaire level regarding introductory information pertaining to registrations, suppliers, or internal responders, and then click Save.