Create Negotiation Requirements

You can use negotiation requirements to solicit additional important information from your suppliers. This information could include company history and performance, their best practices, environmental policies, or any certifications or licenses.

You create requirements for a negotiation in the form of questions. When adding requirements to your negotiations, you can either define new requirements or use predefined requirements.

In this scenario, you will

  • Add a requirement section header.

  • Add new requirement questions to the section header.

  • Specify acceptable values for an attribute.

  • Copy an existing question as a new requirement.

  • Copy an existing qualification area as a new requirement section

Add Requirement Section Headers

  1. On the Edit Negotiation: Requirements page, you select the Add Predefined Section option from the Actions menu in the Requirements section.

  2. The first requirement section contains general questions about the company. From the name drop-down, you select Business, since the section will contain questions about the business structure of the supplier.

  3. When the new row appears with the empty name field, open the drop-down menu and select General from the list.

Add New Requirements to a Section

  1. After you have selected the section header, click Add Requirement to begin adding requirements to the section. When the Edit Requirements page appears, specify the first requirement attributes as shown in the following table:




    Enter the state where you are incorporated

    Response Required


    Value Type

    Text (This is the default)


    (no target)

    Display Target






    Maximum Score


    Knockout Score


  2. Since you are manually scoring this requirement, there are no acceptable requirement values to specify, so you click Save and Close. Then highlight the row for the General section header and click Add Requirement to add a second requirement.

  3. You enter the requirement attributes as shown in the following table.




    Enter the state where you are incorporated

    Response Required


    Value Type

    Text (This is the default)


    (no target)

    Display Target






    Knockout Score


Specify Acceptable Values for an Attribute

  1. Since you chose to have this requirement scored automatically, you must specify the acceptable values and their individual scores. You enter this information into the Acceptable Values table. Since this requirement requires a text data value, the format for each entry consists only of the value and its score. So you enter the allowable state values as in the following table.













  2. After you have specified the acceptable values for these requirements, you click Save and Close. You have created two requirements for the General requirements section. You can continue creating additional requirement sections and requirements as needed for your negotiation.

Copy an Existing Question as a Requirement

Next, you will copy an existing question as an additional requirement in the General requirement section. While still highlighting the row for the section:

  1. Click Add Predefined Questions.

  2. On the Add Predefined Questions dialog box, you can enter values and then search for the question you want to add. You can search on the question name or the beginning of the question text. In this example, you will add a question When does your fiscal year start? This question has a list of month values defined. These will automatically be copied over as acceptable values for this requirement.

    You can add predefined questions from the questions library. When a supplier responds to these predefined questions in a negotiation, the responses get saved in the response repository. When supplier bidder creates a response, these responses to predefined questions are automatically defaulted. You can control the defaulting of the supplier responses from the response repository for the Procurement BU. The predefined questions are from the Supplier Qualification work area.

  3. When the search results appear, select the question and click Apply and then OK. You return to the Edit Negotiation: Requirement page, and the question is added to the requirement section.

    If there is scoring information defined for a question from the Question Library, that scoring information is copied onto the negotiation. If the question is defined as optional in the Question Library, you can modify the scoring criteria for the requirement. If the question is defined as required in the Question Library, you cannot modify the scoring criteria.

Copy an Existing Qualification Area as a Requirement Section

Finally, you will copy an existing qualification area from Oracle Supplier Qualification question library. When you copy a qualifications area, the area name is used as the section name, and the questions in the area are added as requirements to the area. All the appropriate attributes defined for the area and questions are copied over.

  1. From the Actions menu at the Requirements section, select the Add Predefined Qualification Area option.

  2. On the Add Predefined Qualification Area dialog box, you enter an area name of Certifications and Licenses. Then you click Apply and OK. The qualification area is added as a new requirement section containing all the questions are requirements. If you need to edit the questions, you can highlight it and click the edit icon (the pencil icon). If you don't need a question that was contained in the qualification area, you can highlight and click the delete icon (the plus icon).

  3. Now you have added all the requirements you need for this negotiation. You can click Preview Questionnaire to see how the questionnaire will be displayed to a supplier.