Examples of Using Spreadsheet Import

Spreadsheet processing is a good method to use when there is a large amount of data to process. When using spreadsheet processing, you export a spreadsheet, complete it offline and then import it back to the application.

Using spreadsheets offline enable process large amounts of data without having to deal with application response or network delay times. Spreadsheets also allow for easy offline review.

How You Use Spreadsheet Processing

To use spreadsheets, you export the .zip file from the appropriate page. You can export the spreadsheet in rich text format or lightweight format. The rich text format has borders but no cell lines. The lightweight format has grid lines but no borders. When saving in Excel, the rich text format results in larger files. This .zip contains the empty spreadsheet for you to complete and also includes files containing reference lists of any valid column values which the spreadsheet may require.

Once you export the .zip file and extract the contents, you can complete the spreadsheet. There are readme files containing information about how to complete the spreadsheet available from the application and the Help Portal.

After completing the spreadsheet, return to the import page in the application. Browse to the location where you saved your completed spreadsheet. Select the completed spreadsheet file and import back to the application.

The application validates your entries. You receive messages for any errors found. If there were any errors, the application backs out any updates it has done. This enables you to simply correct the spreadsheet and reimport.

How You Define and Import Requirements

You can use spreadsheet processing to add requirements to your negotiation. Spreadsheets make it easy to enter the large amounts of text that are necessary to fully explain the information you want from the supplier.

How You Define and Import Negotiation Lines

You can use spreadsheet import to define lines for any type of negotiation or negotiation outcome. This includes also defining cost factors and line attributes. When your negotiation contains many similar lines, spreadsheet processing makes it easy to copy line definitions and change only the necessary details.

Configure the MS Excel templates to add sections, requirements, and acceptable values using the Oracle Visual Builder plug-in. Use the template to fetch, create, and update negotiation requirements in bulk.

Consider these when you're uploading requirements using an MS Excel template:

  • You can upload requirements only to negotiations in draft status.

  • These aren't supported:

    • You can't add branching requirements. These are additional questions that suppliers see when they select a response.

    • You can't delete requirements using this template.

How You Enter and Upload Award Decisions

You can use spreadsheet processing to analyze responses and enter award decisions. Spreadsheet fields are immediately updated and adjusted as needed as you view and fine-tune award decisions. This enable perform what-if analysis and see the results without having to import the information back to the application.

How You Submit Responses

Note that suppliers can also use spreadsheet processing to submit their responses to negotiations.