How You Change Segments of the Charge Account after the Charge Account Is Generated

The application derives the charge account from the employee charge account and the purchasing category.

After a requisition line is generated and you try to change some of the segments in the charge account that was derived by the rule, the application won't accept the change and revert it back to the one derived by the rule.

If you want to change some of the segments of the charge account after the charge account is generated, you need to add this condition to your natural account segment rule:

"Cross BU" = N 'And' "Requisition Charge Account"."All" Is null

This means the application will apply the segment overlay rule if you didn't manually enter a requisition charge account, in which case the requisition charge account will be null.

Here's how you add the condition to your natural account segment:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Mange Account Rules.

  2. On the Manage Account Rules page, to create a new natural account rule, click Create.

  3. On the Create Account Rule page, enter details for the required fields.

  4. Select Segment for Rule Type and then select Natural Account Segment.

  5. In the Rules section, select Mapping set for Value Type and map it with the required mapping set.

  6. In the Condition section, add this condition: "Cross BU" = N 'And' "Requisition Charge Account"."All" Is null

  7. Click Save and Close.