How You Configure Business Units with Requisitioning Business Functions

As a Procurement Application Administrator, use the Configure Requisitioning Business Function task to configure business units that have associated requisitioning business functions. Use the attributes configured here to specify default application values and behaviors for user requisition and purchase order creation for the requisitioning BU.

Requisitioning Section

Default Deliver-to Organization

The default organization is used as the deliver-to organization for a requisition line if it's a global location. This organization is used to derive the list of item master items that are accessible to the user when creating a requisition for the requisitioning BU.

Line Type

Line Type specifies the default line type to be used for requisition lines created for the requisitioning BU. Line Type can be modified.

One-Time Location

The One-Time Location is the location code to be defaulted as the deliver-to location for the requisition line when the requester specifies an unstructured one-time delivery address on a requisition. Note that this value isn't used if the structured one-time delivery address feature is enabled.

The location specified must be a global location that's enabled for the requisitioning BU.

Group Requisition Import By

The Import Requisition process can be used to import requisitions from other Oracle or non-Oracle applications. On import, requisition lines are grouped first by requisition header number, then by the provided Group Code, then by the value set in the Group-by input parameter (None, Buyer, Category, Item, Location, or Supplier). The specified attribute is used as the default value for Group-by. All remaining requisition lines that haven't yet been assigned a requisition number will be grouped together under the same requisition.

Allow one-time addresses

Select Allow one-time addresses to allow requesters to specify a unique delivery address not attached to any configured location. One-time addresses are entered into a free-form field unless the structured one-time delivery addresses feature is enabled for Procurement and is enabled for the requisitioning BU. In that case, the one-time address is captured and validated in a set of fields determined by country.

Administrators can enable the feature on the Edit Features: Self Service Procurement page by selecting Capture One-Time Address in Structured Format. See Configuring Offerings: Procedure for more information.

Reapproval required for changes made during an active approval process

Reapproval required for changes made during an active approval process is applicable when allowing approvers to modify a requisition when it's routed for approval. It controls whether the requisition must be sent back for reapproval when the approver submits the modified requisition.

Create orders immediately after requisition import

When selected, the Generate Orders program runs immediately after the requisition import process is complete.

Approval required for buyer modified lines

Trigger the approval process when a buyer modifies a requisition line.

Enable approval override

Enable the ability to override approvals.

Enable Supply Availability Details for Internal Transfers

When creating a requisition that includes internal transfer items, the source of supply can be modified.

When this is selected, availability information from each supply source for the transfer item is provided in the Select Supply Source dialog, accessed when Select Source is clicked for a transfer requisition line.

Context Values for Requisition Descriptive Flex-fields

You can define additional attributes of a requisition at the header, line, and distribution level using descriptive flex-fields. Specifying the context value pulls in the associated descriptive flex-fields when the user enters the requisition.

Purchasing Section

Default Procurement BU

A requisitioning BU can be served by multiple procurement business units. If a procurement BU can't be determined based on information on the requisition line, the Default Procurement BU is used to process all requisition lines.

Price Change Tolerance

The Price Change Tolerance is applicable when there is a price change on the purchase order line associated with a requisition line. If the value is null, no checks will be performed. If the value is a valid numeric value, then any changes made to the price on the purchase order line must be within the tolerance percentage value, or the purchase order can't be submitted. The tolerance can be specified using the tolerance percentage or tolerance amount. The more restricting of the two tolerances will take precedence if both are specified.

Ship-to Location

When the purchase order can't derive a ship-to location, the specified Ship-To on the Requisitioning BU is defaulted.

Cancel Unfulfilled Demand

Cancel Unfulfilled Demand controls whether a backing requisition should be canceled when there is purchase order cancellation.

Options are:

  • Always: When canceling the purchase order, Oracle Purchasing doesn't reinstate the demand associated with the requisition.

  • Never: When canceling the purchase order, Purchasing reinstates the demand associated with the requisition, therefore it's available for inclusion on another purchase order.

  • Optional: When canceling the purchase order, the buyer is given the option to cancel the demand associated with the requisition.

Multiple Legal Entities on Order

Control if a purchase order can contain ship-to organizations belonging to different legal entities.

Allow Requisition-To-Agreement UOM Conversion

If a requisition doesn't have an agreement specified, Allow requester-to-agreement UOM conversion is used to specify whether Requisition UOMs can be converted to Agreement UOMs during agreement sourcing. Checking this box indicates that agreements that meet the sourcing criteria, but have Agreement Line UOMs different from Requisition Line UOMs, can be considered during agreement sourcing. If the box is left unchecked, such agreements won't be considered.