How You Upload Price Breaks to an Agreement

A price break is a discount that's applied when more than a certain number of items are purchased. Price breaks can be added to a BPA line through the upload process using either the TXT or XML file format.

Multiple price breaks can also be added to a BPA line through Loader.

How You Load Multiple Price Breaks with an XML File

Under each line (ITEM tag) that requires multiple price breaks, create multiple PRICE BREAK tags with the relevant details.

For example:

<ITEM lineNum="10" lineType="Goods" action="SYNC"
           <DESCRIPTION>Fantastic Laptop</DESCRIPTION>
           <PRICE negotiated="Y">
               <AMOUNT />

In this example, the line is meant to have two price breaks, so the PRICE BREAK tag occurs twice within the PRICE tag for the item Fantastic Laptop.

How You Load Multiple Price Breaks with a TXT File

To upload multiple price breaks for a line using a TXT file, first include a line which has both the item details and the price break. Then include another line immediately after, and remove all other attributes except for the price break.

The following table provides example values that could be used to attach multiple price breaks to a line through a loader.

Line Number


Category Name

Internal Item Number




Price Break


Fantastic Laptop













In this example, the item Fantastic Laptop has two price breaks. The first line in the table contains the item details and the first price break. The second line in the table is another price break for the first line that's the Fantastic Laptop. Note that on the second line the item details fields are all blank. Only the price break fields (Quantity and Break Price) contain data.


The following are tips for working with price breaks through Loader:

  1. When modifying a line with an existing price break, prevent multiple occurrences of the price break by:

    • Removing the price break component from the upload file before running the upload.

    • Expiring the line before reloading the line with the updated attributes. Note that if this approach is used on a BPA with Open status, this effectively creates a new line in the BPA. If the old BPA line exists on an incomplete requisition, the line is sourced again when the requisition is submitted for approvals. If the requisition was already approved, or is pending approval, nothing happens to the line.

  2. To update the value for a price break attribute:

    • Delete the price break using the user interface (UI), then reload the line with the updated values of the price break elements.

    • Expire the line, update the price break attribute in the upload file, and then reload the line. Note that if this approach is used on a BPA with an Open status, this effectively creates a new line in the BPA. If the old BPA line exists on an incomplete requisition, the line is sourced again when the requisition is submitted for approvals. If the requisition was already approved or is pending approval, nothing happens to the line.

Note: To expire a line, set the expiration date for the line to: (system date minus 1).