Shopping Lists

Shopping List is the collective term for Public and Personal Shopping Lists.

Public Shopping List

Public Shopping Lists are created by the procurement catalog administrator, and are collections of items available to a preparer or a requester for requisitioning. A Public Shopping List is also used to support kit requisitions, for example, office supplies, or a new hire kit. The availability of a Public Shopping List is based on the procurement BU in which the list is created, and whether the preparer is granted access to the list. The availability of public shopping lists is controlled by the content zones the lists are included in.

Public Shopping Lists are created in procurement BUs, and can be shared across the requisitioning BUs served by the procurement BU services. If the procurement BU is the same as the requisitioning BU, only one requisitioning BU will have access to the Public Shopping List. If a procurement BU services multiple requisitioning BUs, the public shopping lists can be shared across the requisitioning business units that it services.

The procurement catalog administrator can add the following to a Public Shopping List through the supplier item catalog:

  • Agreement Lines (both description-only and master item lines)

  • Master Items

My Shopping Lists

You access personal shopping lists that you create and maintain in My Shopping Lists. Personal shopping lists are separate from public shopping lists.

A shopping list is a collection of items created by a preparer or a requester. Shopping lists allow you to quickly requisition items that you order frequently.

How You Manage My Shopping Lists

Click Manage My Shopping Lists on the Shopping Lists page or the Search Results page to display the Manage My Shopping Lists dialog.

Use the Create button, up and down arrow controls, and Delete button to create new personal shopping lists, re-order your lists, or delete lists.

How You Search My Shopping Lists

You can search your personal shopping lists along with public shopping lists from the Shopping Lists page. Enter a search term in the Search Shopping Lists field and click Search. Items from all shopping lists matching the search terms are displayed.

How You Add Shopping List Items from the Compare Products Page

You can add products from the floating Compare Products tray to your personal shopping lists. Select Add to Shopping List from the drop down menu for an item displayed in the Compare Products tray. Select the shopping list from the Add to Shopping List dialog, or create a new shopping list.