Example of Negotiation Styles

Negotiation styles control the definition of your negotiation documents. Negotiation styles can specify the terminology used within the document and control which processing capabilities can be performed using the style.

For example, you can define a simple negotiation style and then use it to create very straightforward, streamlined negotiations. Alternately, you can create a negotiation style that takes advantage of many processing features. You can then use this style to create a complex negotiation. Using negotiation styles, you can also define default textual content for certain sections of a negotiation document.

In this example, Jan Martin is going to create a new negotiation style for use with RFQs. She allows alternate lines, multiple responses and response revision. She allows responses using a spreadsheet.

Create a Negotiation Style

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, Jan goes to the task: Manage Negotiation Styles:

    • Offering: Procurement

    • Functional Area: Sourcing

    • Task: Manage Negotiation Styles

  2. From the Manage Negotiation Styles page, Jan clicks the add icon to create a new style.

  3. Jan creates her new style using the Create Negotiation Style page. She calls the style Alternate Lines and Responses, and gives it a description of Use this style with RFQs that need to allow suppliers to enter alternate response lines.

  4. She deselects the auction and RFI document types. This new style can only be used for an RFQ.

  5. She leaves the default terminology values as they are since she doesn't need to change them.

  6. In the Controls region, she selects which negotiation features are available using this style.

  7. She allows suppliers to select the lines they reply to and to offer partial line quantities.

  8. She allows suppliers to respond with alternative lines and to revise existing responses.

  9. She allows suppliers to respond by spreadsheets using the Requirements and Lines and the Lines only spreadsheet options.

    The Requirements and Lines spreadsheet is a hierarchical spreadsheet with the two options rich style spreadsheet format and light weight spreadsheet format. The Lines only spreadsheet is a non-hierarchical linear lines format.

  10. She enables the collaboration team and requirements features.

  11. Now she is finished so she saves her new negotiation style.