Negotiation Styles

You can create multiple negotiation styles that control the creation of your negotiation documents. Negotiation styles can specify the terminology used within the document and control which processing capabilities can be performed using the style.

You can also create default content for certain sections of a negotiation document.

For example, you might create a slimmed down style that doesn't include Instructions

  • Instructions

  • Autoextend settings

  • Staggered closing

  • Cost factors

  • Contract terms

For some Sourcing capabilities, you must create a negotiation style that supports the capability. For example, to use the following capabilities:

  • Two stage RFQ

  • Project tasks

  • Alternate responses

Document Terminology

For each negotiation there is a pair of documents: negotiation document created by the category manager and a response document created by the supplier contact. Each of these documents has a label. Within the application, there are three types of negotiations: auction, RFI, or RFQ. Each type has its own document labels; however, you can change the labels used in the negotiation style.

The following table shows the predefined values for negotiation document and response document.

Negotiation Document

Supplier-side Response Document







When creating a negotiation style, you can create alternate labels for the category manager-side or supplier-side documents. Then any negotiation document created using that style replaces the default labels with the labels you created in the style. These replacements appear both in the online application and any printed versions of the document.

For example, you could use Tender or Offer for the supplier-side document, and you could use Solicitation for the buyer-side document.

Processing Capabilities and Defaults

In addition to specifying alternate document labels, you can select which processing capabilities are available using a negotiation style. By default, all capabilities are available. To create a style without that capability, simply deselect the capability when creating the style. The controls used with a negotiation style are the same controls used when creating a normal negotiation.

Note the following controls:

  • If you want to create two stage RFQs using this style, you must click the Two state RFQ check box.

  • If you want to use this style to associate a negotiation to Oracle Projects project plan information, click the Project tasks check box.

  • If you want to allow the supplier to respond with different line information, click the Alternate response lines check box.