Implement Abstracts

Abstracts are negotiation summaries that you post on your external website so they can be displayed to suppliers.

Then your suppliers can read information about your upcoming negotiations and decide if they are interested in participating without having to log in to the sourcing application to view information. Abstracts are used mainly in public sector entities such as state and local governments, EMEA and US federal negotiations.

To implement abstracts, you must do these tasks.

  • Create a negotiation style that supports abstracts. See the topic on creating negotiation style in this chapter.

  • Update the Configure Abstract Listing page.

Update the Configure Abstract Listing Page

You use Setup and Maintenance to update the Configure Abstract Listing page:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Configure Procurement Business Function task:

    • Offering: Procurement

    • Functional Area: Procurement Foundation

  2. Select the Procurement business unit for which you want to configure the abstract listing page.

  3. On the Configure Procurement Business Function page, go to the Sourcing section.

  4. Click Configure Abstract Listing.

  5. On the Configure Abstract Listing page, set the controls and formats as appropriate for abstracts for this Procurement business unit. Note that you can also create text to be included as header or footers.

  6. When you are finished, click Save and Close.