Purchasing Approval Stages

Oracle Purchasing has predefined stages for approvals for purchase orders, purchase agreements and change order approvals.

This figure shows the predefined stages: Preapproval, Terms, Post Approval, and Post Approval FYI.

Predefined approval stages for Purchasing.

The participants predefined within each stage are illustrated in the figures below. Note that the participant name conveys both the participant type and the voting regime. For example, Preapproval (Parallel) First Responder Wins has a participant type of Parallel and voting regime of First Responder Wins. This implies that all the approvers will be notified in parallel and the first responder decision will be final for that participant.

This figure shows the predefined participants for the Preapproval stage: Preapproval FYI ParticipantPreapproval Parallel Consensus ParticipantPreapproval Parallel First Responder Wins ParticipantPreapproval Serial Participant.

Predefined participants for the Preapproval Stage
This figure shows the predefined participants for the Terms stage: Terms Approval FYI ParticipantTerms Approval Serial ParticipantTerms Approval 2 Serial ParticipantTerms Approval 3 Serial ParticipantTerms Approval Parallel First Responder Wins ParticipantTerms Approval Parallel Consensus Participant
Predefined participants for the Terms Stage
This figure shows the predefined participants for the Postapproval stage: Postapproval Parallel Consensus ParticipantPostapproval Parallel First Responder Wins ParticipantPostapproval Serial Participant
Predefined participants for the Post Approval Stage
This figure shows the predefined participants for the Postapproval FYI stage: Post Approval FYI Participant
Predefined participants for the Postapproval FYI Stage