How can I find information about my suppliers and their qualifications?

You can use the Qualified Suppliers infolet on the Supplier Qualification work area to view information about your suppliers and their qualifications.

You can choose a Procurement BU and a horizontal bar pertains to each qualification applicable to that Procurement BU for which at least one supplier qualifies. The number associated with the horizontal bar is the percentage of suppliers for that Procurement BU who have qualified for that requirement. If you select the horizontal bar, the Manage Qualifications page appears, and you can view a table with information about the qualifying suppliers.

You can also gather information regarding suppliers in the Research Suppliers page. In the Supplier Qualification work area, open the task panel drawer and click Research Supplier. In the Research Supplier page, you can search for the required supplier. Details regarding the supplier are displayed.

View and download supplier profile attachments from the supplier detail page when researching suppliers on negotiations or qualifications. The supplier detail page is accessed by clicking on the supplier name in Oracle Sourcing and Oracle Supplier Qualification. It shows comprehensive information about the supplier's transaction history and supplier profile details such as product and services, business classifications, and supplier contacts. All supplier profile attachments are now displayed on supplier details regardless of category. The supported attachment categories include: To Supplier, From Supplier, To Buyer, To Receiver, and Miscellaneous.