How You Identify Changes to Questions, Qualification Areas, or Qualification Models

If any questions, qualification areas, or qualification models are changed, a revision for that question, qualification area, or qualification model is created.

The next time you (or someone else) creates a new qualification area, qualification model, or initiative that uses the changed question, area, or model, you must uptake the change if you want to use the most recent version.

You can use the Setup Requiring Attention infolet on the Supplier Qualification work area to see which questions, areas, or models have changes. Once you expand the infolet, you see a list of questions, qualification areas, and qualification models that have outstanding changes.

  • You can choose to view only changed questions, changed qualification areas, changed qualification models, or all changes.

  • If a branched question contains inactive or changed subordinate questions, or a qualification area contains inactive or updated questions, or if a qualification model contains inactive or updated qualification areas, you must inactivate the parent question, area or model before you can modify the children questions or areas.