How You Change Description and Pricing for Catalog Items During Shopping

You can change the following information for catalog items during shopping:

  • Description and price for a master item.
  • Price or amount for a blanket purchase agreement line based on the type of line.

You can change price and description for catalog items depending on these conditions:

Catalog Content Type Attribute Conditions for Attribute Modification
Master Item Price Additional privilege is required.
Master Item Description
  • Additional privilege is required.
  • Product Information Management item setup is configured to allow description update on purchasing documents.
Blanket Purchase Agreement Line Price or Amount Blanket purchase agreement line setup is configured to allow price override.
Blanket Purchae Agreement Line Description Can't be changed.
This is how you can modify the values for price and description for catalog items:
  • By drilling down to the Product Details page from the search result card for the item. You can make the desired change and upon adding to the cart the requisition line will be created with specified values.
  • To modify the values of the catalog item after it has been added to the cart, navigate to the Line Product Details page by clicking the item description link for the line in the shopping cart.

Here are some of the considerations for modify the values for price and description:

  • For blanket purchase agreement lines with currency other than the ledger currency, the transactional currency price or amount is updatable on both the Product Details and the Line Product Details pages.
  • On the Product Details page, the updates to any of the attributes are only applicable to the Add to Cart action. The Add to List action always adds the item with original attribute values. Also, the changes made to attributes are visible until you are on the page.
  • For items that can be sourced from inventory or supplier, any changes to the attributes made will be ignored if the source is determined to be inventory upon Add to Cart.