How You Procure Goods from Preferred Supply Sources During Catalog Shopping

You can procure goods from preferred supply sources for items where multiple potential sources are available in the Responsive Self Service Procurement application.

The top preferred source is automatically determined based on:

  • The priority specified on the blanket purchase agreement (for supplier-sourced items) or,
  • The top-ranked source organization (for internal transfers).

When you procure goods from preferred supply sources, you will always be presented with the relevant information of the preferred supplier source or internal source to make an informed buying decision. If you're an advanced user, you can view all available supply sources, including available on hand quantity for internal sources and select the appropriate source based on your requirements. When you search for goods or use a featured category, catalog search results will only show matching master items. You must drill down to the product details to view source-related details, including pricing, and then add the item to the cart.

Here's how the top preferred source is determined for different item types:

  • Purchasable only item:
    The following hierarchy is applied to determine the top preferred agreement source:
    1. Agreement with the highest priority.
    2. If multiple agreements contain the same highest priority ranking or no agreements carry a priority, then the agreement with oldest creation date.
    3. If multiple agreements have same creation date, then the agreement with the lowest agreement line.
  • Internally Orderable only item:

    The source organization with the highest option rank will be the preferred supply source.

  • Both Purchasable and Internally Orderable:
    • For the Expense destination type, the internal source with the highest option ranking will be the preferred source. If an internal source isn't found, then a blanket purchase agreement will be used.
    • For the Inventory destination type, the blanket purchase agreement with the highest priority will be the preferred source. If there's no agreement available, then the highest ranked internal source will be used as the supply source.

With the Allow Users to Shop from All Supply Sources during Catalog Shopping privilege, you can select a different source other than the preferred source from the list of available internal and supplier supply sources. Internal sources will always be displayed first in the alternate sources, followed by agreement sources.

Here are some of the considerations for procuring goods from preferred supply sources for items where multiple potential sources are available:

  • For internal sources, the unit of measure will be the unit of issue of the source organization. If the unit of issue isn’t defined in the source organization, then UOM will be the primary UOM in the destination organization.
  • The Available sources page shows a maximum of 25 supplier sources (blanket purchase agreement) and 25 internal sources (source organization).
  • On the Available sources page, you can show the manufacture name and manufacturer part number for each agreement using extensibility. This information helps you to know if the item is available with different manufacturers from the suppliers. In addition, you can also hide the supplier item and agreement number.
  • Available on-hand quantity in each internal supply source is always shown in the primary UOM of the deliver-to organization.
  • Catalog search will only match master items and not agreement lines that contain the master item.
  • This applies to only to master items. Behavior for other catalog content like agreement lines without an item, punchout, and smart form requests remains the same.
  • This applies only to catalog shopping (Keyword search and Featured category drill down). Behavior for shopping lists remains the same.