Respond to Requirements

In this example, Jo Brown is a supplier contact who is responding to a negotiation for her procurement department. The negotiation contains requirements that solicit information about the company's certification history and corporate structure.

Jo signs in and sees in her Worklist that there is an invitation to a new negotiation. She clicks on the invitation link and then the Create New Response link in the Related Links section. On the Create Response: Overview page, she views the information about the negotiations and then clicks the link for the Requirements train stop.

Entering Responses to Requirements

  1. On the Create Response: Requirements page, she views the questionnaire containing the requirement questions, any target values the category manager defined and marked as viewable. She checks to see if there are multiple requirement sections.

  2. Jo returns to the first requirement section named General and answers the questions over the corporate structure. She answers the question "Is your company public or private?" by selecting the radio button option for Public.

  3. For the question "Where is your corporate headquarters located?" she enters "Toronto" into the text box.

  4. For the question "Do you have a corporate location in any of the following cities?" by selecting the check box entries for Vancouver, Chicago, and Philadelphia from the list of cities.

  5. To the question "Select your primary business classification?" she selects the value Small Business. Note that since business classification is an attribute of Jo's company's supplier profile, the value she selects is used to update the company's profile once the profile change request is approved by the buyer company. She also provides some certification information the category manager asked for, and adds an attachment.

  6. For the questions "When is the start of your fiscal year?" she uses the date picker to select September 1.

  7. To the question "Do you have any subsidiaries?" she selects the Yes radio button. This displays an additional question "Select any countries where your subsidiaries are located." For this additional question, she selects check boxes for US, UK, Germany, Mexico, and Brazil.

  8. After responding to all the requirements for section General, she clicks the down arrow to view the next requirement section. Once she has answered all the requirements, she clicks Save and then clicks the link for the Lines train stop to continue creating her response.