Response to Negotiation Requirements

Requirements are questions the category manager added to the negotiation document to solicit extra information. Many times, these questions concern your company, its history and structure. Requirements might ask about certifications your company has achieved.

Your answers to requirements can be used by evaluators when considering your response to the negotiation.

If there are requirements for you to answer, a Requirements train stop appears. Clicking the train stop opens the Create Response: Requirements page, where you enter your answers into the requirements questionnaire shown.

Respond to Requirements

Requirements are grouped into sections. When you first access the Create Response: Requirements page, you will see the requirements for the first section displayed. If there are additional sections, you can access them from the pull down menu on the side of the page.

The requirements are displayed in a questionnaire form. If this requirement maps to a question which you have answered in the past, your last response is defaulted into the response field. If a requirement response is required, it's identified by an asterisk. Also, in some cases, if you select a particular value for a requirement, additional questions are displayed for you to answer. The category manager may have defined a target value for a requirement. You can provide attachments and comments with your response if the category manager has allowed comments and attachments.

There are several different types of entries you can use to answer to requirement questions, depending on how the Category Manager defined the requirements.

  • You can enter free form text in the text boxes provided.

    • You can enter a single line of text or multiple lines in a text box.

    • For Number fields, you enter a numeric value. The acceptable format for the number depends on your user preference.

    • For Date fields, you can use the date picker to select a value.

    • For Date and time fields, you can use the date picker to select the date, the time picker in the format: hours + minutes + seconds, and then the applicable AM or PM radio button.

    • For URL fields, you enter a regular internet address.

  • You can select a single entry from a drop down list or menu or values. The values appear as radio buttons.

  • You can select multiple values from a defined list of values. The values appear as check boxes.

After you have completed your questionnaire, you continue with the rest of your response. If you haven't answered a required question, a message appears when you attempt to submit your response.